Chapter 67

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Sylvia rolled over towards Evania's side of the bed before inhaling her scent and burying her face in the blankets. She was just about to fall back to sleep when her phone went off.

She groaned and rolled back over, grabbing it from her nightstand to answer. "What?" She growled into her phone.

"Wow. Someone's cranky. I brought homemade chicken soup. You want to let me in?" Vanessa retorted.

"No." Sylvia grumbled.

"Alright. I guess I'll just go give this hot chocolate back to Eva and tell her you wouldn't open the door for me."

Sylvia groaned and hung up before pulling herself out of bed. She was still wearing the clothes she fell asleep in, which wasn't much to be fair. The succubus was wearing only a long t-shirt and underwear as she made her way from Evania's room and towards the front door. She was however wrapped up haphazardly in a blanket, though it didn't really cover her lower half and looked more like she was trying to wear it as a cape. She pulled it opened and narrowed her eyes at Vanessa who was wearing her signature shit eating grin.

"Wow, Eva wasn't kidding, you look like shit."

"She did not say that." Sylvia retorted, turning and making her way back into the room where she practically fell into the couch. "So you're my babysitter then?"

"Don't act like you're disappointed. I know you enjoy my company." Vanessa laughed as she stepped in and closed the door behind her.

"When I'm as energetic as you are, yes. Right now, I want to die." Sylvia groaned.

"You're so dramatic." The vampire scoffed as she went into the kitchen.

"I thought you said you made soup?"

"I said I brought homemade chicken soup. I didn't say that it was done. I just have the things to make it with." Vanessa answered, holding up a shopping bag which she began to unload on the counter as she went to work cooking.

"And my hot chocolate?"

"I lied about that."

Sylvia groaned.

"Well how else did you want me to convince you to open the door for me?" Vanessa questioned as she started cooking.

"I didn't. You could have left me alone and come back later."

"Well then I'd have to call your mom, and I figured you'd be too embarrassed to have me meet her."

"You would fuel her. You would tell her stupid stories and she'd be enamored with you."

"Ooo! You think she'd fall for my charms?" Vanessa leaned over the counter with a smug smirk.

"I don't think Ciera would like the idea of you fucking my mother."

"I feel like she'd be into it. I mean, how many people get to say they had sex with an Arthurian legend like Guinevere?"

Sylvia wanted to argue, but she knew that had she not been so upset she would be agreeing with the vampire, so she remained quiet instead.

The succubus actually fell asleep while waiting for her soup, and didn't wake until Vanessa gently shook her shoulder to do so. "Soup is done." She smiled from where she was seated beside her on the couch. She had left a bowl of soup on the coffee table in front of the succubus.

Sylvia's eyes blinked opened before she sat up and rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes. She then picked up the bowl and cautiously took a small spoonful.

"You don't trust my cooking?"

"You can't taste things, nor eat them." Sylvia retorted. "It's a little salty, but otherwise not bad."

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