Chapter 92

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Evania held the snake in her hands, watching the creature slither between her arms slowly, occasionally flicking it's tongue as it did. Evania leaned back against the couch with her legs up against the coffee table. She was doing her homework in her bedroom when the snake knocked one of the decorations in their tank over, getting her attention.

After fixing the tree, the snake seemed to want to be held with Penne quickly climbing up Evania's arm.

"I'm not as warm as Sylvia is I'm afraid." Evania muttered to the snake. "You're warmer than I thought though. Have you been basking?"

The snake lifted it's head and looked towards Evania curiously before going back to slithering between the vampire's arms. Eventually though Penne came to rest wrapped tightly around her right arm. Evania let out a sigh as she leaned her head back. She wasn't exhausted of course, but she was a bit tired with how much homework she had done.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, but she woke when Sylvia flopped onto her lap, startling her a bit. She looked down into the grinning face of Sylvia who was using her lap as a pillow.

Evania smiled for a moment before worry took over her expression when she realized Penne wasn't wrapped around her arm anymore. "Where's Penne?"

"I put her back in her tank." Sylvia answered. "She was wrapped around your neck when I came in and when I went to give you a kiss she started climbing on me. I figured she was going to try and cock block me so I put her back."

Evania rolled her eyes. "I'm not in the mood at the moment. I still have some homework to finish before Penne distracted me."

"I'm glad you like her too."

Evania placed one hand on Sylvia's stomach and the other hand gently began scratching Sylvia's scalp getting the succubus' eyes to close as she adjusted herself to be comfortable. "How are you feeling?"

"My shoulders don't hurt too bad anymore. I took you and Kai's advice and went to see an actual healer after class today." Her tail wagged a bit like a lazy cat even though most of it was hanging off the side of the couch. "I should listen to you more often."

"You say that like you rarely ever do." Evania chuckled. "Have you spoken to your family yet?"

"About us getting engaged?" Sylvia opened one eye a moment before closing it. "I haven't really had a chance to. My mother is attempting to get a job here but is having difficulty deciding what she wants to do. Levian, Lyndi, Sol and Mani can't decide if they want to teach or learn so they're wandering the campus most of the time."

"That doesn't mean you can't tell them you got engaged."

"I know, I know." Sylvia sighed. "I guess I'm just trying to find the right moment. Knowing my mother as soon as I tell her she'll throw herself at you for more hugs and affections. I'd like to be able to be here to keep you safe."

Evania chuckled again. "You say that like she's a threat."

"Well, not an actual threat. But she'd make you uncomfortable."

"Then why not tell her now? Send her a message?"

Sylvia nodded a bit. "She'll probably head straight over here as soon as I do though."

"That's fine." Evania nodded. "We haven't spoken with them in a while."

"You don't want to just enjoy my company tonight?"

"I'm not really in the mood for that kind of fun Syl."

The succubus placed her hand over the one Evania had resting over her stomach as she softly laughed. "I didn't mean like that. As amazing as it has been to be going at it for the last few days, I feel a lot better than I did so I don't really need it anymore. I just meant I'd like to sit like this for a while first."

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