Chapter 68

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Evania returned to the dorm with a steaming hot cup of hot chocolate finding Sylvia asleep on the couch with Vanessa laying on her stomach on top of her. Vanessa's face was buried in Sylvia's stomach with the two of them out cold.

Evania made her way over curiously, pausing to take in the sight before her. If she didn't know any better she would be sure they were cheating on her, so she was very glad that she didn't have to jump to conclusions.

The vampire gently shook Vanessa awake getting the other vampire to mutter something about alcohol and a huntress before blinking back to consciousness to see Evania staring down at her. She glanced up at Sylvia before her head snapped back to Evania in fear, however the shorter vampire just wrapped her hand around her mouth before pressing a finger to her own mouth, managing to not spill the cup.

I'm not going to kill you Ness. I can read Sylvia's mind so I know there was no cheating involved. Evania explained, getting Ness's eyes to roll back as she clearly relaxed.

Thank fuck for that. I thought I was about to loose my lucky charms.

Evania couldn't fight the eye roll as she seriously contemplated tearing the jaw off Vanessa's face. She reluctantly released the other vampire who carefully picked herself up, doing her best not to disturb her.

How was she?

She was fine. We talked about exes and embarrassing shit.

Did her headache go away?

It did after a while, but she didn't say anything. I think she was having too much fun listening to Ciera and I tell her stories.

A small vine grew out of the back of Vanessa's shirt before blossoming into a bright blue flower just beside her neck. Evania raised a curious eyebrow at it. Is it normal for you to be growing flowers?

Vanessa glanced down at herself before noticing the flower. I have no idea. She confessed. This is the first time I've ever been possessed by a forest nymph.

Right. Evania rolled her eyes.

Do you want me to move Sylvia to her bed?

My bed. She prefers to be in my bed. Evania offered, motioning towards her own room.

It's what I meant, but yes. Vanessa laughed before lifting Sylvia up, blanket and all. She carried the succubus to Evania's room as the other vampire held the door opened for her.

But she was doing better though, right? Evania asked.

Yes. Vanessa smiled as she set Sylvia in bed and tucked her in. She'll probably feel a whole lot better when you're snuggling though. But she was mostly back to her normal self. Vanessa motioned for Evania to head out of the room -after the shorter vampire set her bag beside her desk- with her where Evania went into the kitchen to make blood smoothies for the two of them. When she turned around however, Ciera and Vanessa were both sitting on the stools by the island.

You seriously were inside Vanessa the whole time? Evania asked.

"Yep." Ciera answered, though her voice was kept low like she was debating on whispering as to not wake Sylvia. "By the way, there's soup in the fridge. Vanessa made it and I taste tested to make sure it wasn't too terrible."

"I also cleaned up after myself." Vanessa nodded.

Evania smiled softly and handed Vanessa a smoothie which the other vampire happily sipped on. Thank you two for taking care of her while I was at class. I appreciate it.

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