Chapter 90

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Evania returned to her dorm later in the day to find that the lights were still turned off in the dorm, telling her that Sylvia never got up. She went into her room and set her bags down before drawing the door to Sylvia's pocket dimension, where she appeared in her bedroom.

She found that Sylvia was not in her bed though the covers were tossed like the had just gotten up. Since Evania knew from experience Sylvia could make her bed with magic, it was even more concerning.

Syl? Where are you? Evania called to her.


Evania's eyes narrowed before she started making her way down the staircase and into the main room of the pocket dimension. She glanced around to see if any of the doors were opened and none of them were really ajar. Sylvia. Where are you?

I kidnapped Kai. She's helping me not hurt. Sylvia answered. The sitting room.

Evania made her way towards the door and pushed it opened. She found the room covered in pillows with Sylvia sitting upright with shorts and a bra on with Kai -fully clothed- kneeling behind her. The kitsune was running her hands across Sylvia's back while the succubus winced in pain.

What Evania did notice, was that although Kai was not a massive flaming fox, she was basically glowing, as her clothing and hair were all ignited in a soft flame. Her blindfold was once again surrounded by a crown of blue flame.

"Are you okay?" Evania asked, moving over to sit beside them. However as she got closer Kai waved her over to come sit with her.

"Put pressure here for me please." Kai told her.

Evania, not really knowing what was going on moved so she was kneeling beside Kai and placed her fingertips exactly where the fox's were before applying pressure. Kai placed her hand over her's and pushed, adding more pressure where Sylvia's left wing folded up a bit as it was just over the joint there.

"Can someone tell me what's happening?" Evania questioned. "I thought the arena was supposed to heal all the wounds caused by battle once it was over?"

Sylvia went to answer but Kai moved her other hand to Sylvia's lower ribs and pressed down getting her to growl as she tried to remain still while Evania continued putting pressure on her back.

"It does. The arena heals the physical injuries like bones, cuts and scrapes and even muscle damage." Kai nodded. "But overused muscles still get sore and stressed."

"Then why can't you just heal her with your own magic?"

"Because Divine magic is what strained her muscles in the first place." Kai noted.

Evania blinked. "Excalibur did this to you?"

"It was probably both the swords." Kai corrected. "Both of them have Divine flavors attached to them. Caliburn can strengthen her body to withstand blows and be on par with someone like you or Vanessa."

"How do you know that?" Sylvia retorted.

"Because you thought it was a good idea to arm wrestle me forever ago and I kicked your ass. Now suddenly you were effortlessly able to push me off? I don't think so."

"Maybe I was working out?"

"Caliburn basically super charges her body, but that is taxing on it. Seeing as its her right arm that is bothering her the most, it probably means Excalibur taxes you just by you holding it." '

"Obviously. The damn thing radiates more power than you do Kai." Sylvia grumbled.

"Then I shouldn't need to warn you that wielding something like that for too long can kill you?"

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