Chapter 73

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Evania smiled softly at her reflection in the window. She tucked a bit of hair behind her ear before turning back to her date for the day.

"Trying to look pretty for lil' old me?" Shana asked with a smile.

Doing my best. Evania answered.

Evania was surprised when she had received a text message from her mother asking if she wanted to meet Shana, Alice's daughter. She didn't think the girl would be interested in meeting her. She was grateful however, and happy to accept the invitation. She knew her mother just wanted to make sure she knew she had a family once she passed away, and that she knew she would be safe and looked after, but the thought still kind of upset her a little. That she wouldn't always have her mother, even if she would always have a mother.

Shana had Sarah's brown hair, though it was straight rather than curly, and the Daybreaker Golden eyes. Evania didn't think about it till she glanced back into the window, but they already did kind of look related. Though Shana was taller, as most people were compared to Evania. It would have been easy to pretend that they were already related.

"I told your mom to tell you that you could have brought Sylvia." Shana offered. "I'm really surprised you didn't."

She asked if I wouldn't be opposed to her stalking from a distance, but I wanted to get to know you. I've met Alice and Sarah, and they've told me a lot about you. But I never had the chance to myself. Evania explained.

"Well, I'm glad you were interested. I was afraid you would think we were trying to assimilate you into our family early." Shana chuckled a bit, moving her arms behind her back as they continued walking down the street. Shana glanced around curiously, her golden eyes watching cars drive past and people talk on their phones.

I was never worried about that. I know you guys are just looking out for me.

"Your mother seems more worried than you do."

My mom is always thinking ahead. In her mind, my immortality means I already see time differently. So I'm dreading the day my mother passes away. Truthfully, I know I still have plenty of time to be with her.

Shana was silent for a moment as they passed someone talking on their cellphone. She watched him over her shoulder but the man didn't seem to pay her any mind. "This is a strange world." Shana noted.

It's different from Exodious.

"It's different, but the same." Shana explained. "We don't have giant metal boxes on wheels to get around, and the 'phones' they use to communicate seem a bit primitive. Why don't they use magic here?"

We're getting there. But it's going to take a while. Evania smiled. And even then, science gets us humans farther than magic does.

"Science seems stupid."

Some people say the same thing about magic. Evania answered.

"Anyways, is Sylvia actually stalking us?" Shana asked, looking back to Evania.

She's blocked her thoughts from mine. So I'm sure she is. I'm sure I could push my way through her block, but I'll let her think she's accomplishing something for now.

"I'm not about to get mugged by a famous Succubus and Irish Vampire duo am I?" Shana laughed.

Hopefully not.


Evania and Shana glanced over their shoulders to see Levian and Mani as they stepped out of one of the shops they had walked past. Evania smiled brightly and moved over to hug them as Shana waited politely with a soft smile.

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