Chapter 30

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"Hey Sylvia."

The succubus jumped at her name, turning to look at Vanessa who was staring at her with a razed eyebrow.

"You okay? You've been day dreaming the whole time." Vanessa noted.

"We were getting kinda worried." Janet added.

"I wasn't drooling was I?" Sylvia asked, rubbing her chin on her sleeve and looking at it.

The table chuckled around her, revealing pretty much everyone to have been waiting for her during the council meeting. Orenda leaned forward, resting her head on her hands as she watched with an amused smile. Kai had sat back and moved her tail onto her lap. Zali was holding her head up with her hand as she smirked at the succubus. Desdemona and Kendra had their lists in their hands but were otherwise paying close attention to Sylvia. Vanessa and Janet, who were sitting on either side of her were just smiling at her.

"No. You weren't drooling. But you definately didn't look like you were paying any attention to what we were talking about." Desdemona explained. "Are you alright?"

"What? Yeah. I'm fine. Why? Do I not seem fine?"

"You were daydreaming." Janet added. "You don't really do that."

"I don't?" Sylvia raised an eyebrow. "I would have thought that's like, a really common thing for me to do."

"So you're thinking about Evania?" Orenda questioned.

"What?! What would- well yeah. I'm always thinking about Evania. Why? Did I say anything out loud?" Sylvia glanced around at the table before reaching to collect her things. "Maybe I should go. I feel like I'm on trial."

Vanessa put her hand on Sylvia's wrist to stop her with a smirk. "We'll leave you alone, we'll leave you alone. We just wanted to make sure you were alright because we were calling you for like ten minutes."

"It couldn't have been that long. I would have heard you."


"It was"

"We were calling for a while."


Sylvia blinked at the table around her before burying her head in her arms with a groan. "Alright fine, what did you need?"

Desdemona chuckled before pushing a piece of paper towards Sylvia who grumbled, raised her head and took it before going over it. "Apparently there's a couple students here who are passing out these papers. I know you're not a puzzle solver, but they are encoded. I was wondering if you could solve them."

Sylvia took a once over before looking back up at Desdemona with a raised eyebrow. She looked back down at the paper before seeming to go over it like she was looking for a pattern.

"I told you she might not be able to."

"Its an invitation to join a club of puzzle solvers." Sylvia explained, offering the paper back. "It's not a threat or anything."

"What? Really?" Vanessa asked. "Then why make it so ominous!"

"What part about them putting up an encoded message is ominous?" Kai questioned.

"It's encoded!"

"Unfortunately due to the nature of the school our first impression is to think it's a bunch of hate messages." Desdemona shrugged. "That doesn't mean we should ignore it though. Also, nice job Sylvia."

"I mean, it's what I do." Sylvia shrugged.

"How many languages do you know?" Janet asked.

"Like... hmm... more than thirty." Sylvia seemed in thought before pulling a lolipop out of her bag. "Why?"

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