Chapter 1

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Sylvia kicked open the door to her new dorm room with a grin, carrying a single bag of things with her. She paused though at the girl sitting on the couch who's glowing gold eyes widened seeing her. She had to have been a bit over a foot shorter than Sylvia who was a bit above average height, leaving this girl really short.

"Oh shit! I forgot about room mates." Sylvia grinned. "I was just so excited to go to a school where I didn't have to pretend to be something I wasn't."

The girl raised an eyebrow at her.

"Sorry! I'm Sylvia Pendragon!" The taller woman bowed, throwing her red hair over her shoulders as she did so before standing up straight, her purple eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm a Succubus!"

The other girl leaned against the couch in thought before shrugging her shoulders in a silent sigh.

"Can you not talk?" Sylvia questioned, discarding her bag to the side and closing the door behind her as she stepped forward once before her feet completely left the ground and she floated over.

The girl seemed a little impressed with her magic trick, before looking back up at Sylvia with another sigh.

The succubus glanced over the girl's shoulder, seeing a paper on the coffee table in front of her that was clearly the same acceptance letter that the succubus had received, only with a different name.

Evania Arthur.

"Ironic!" Sylvia grinned. "Your last name is Arthur and mine is Pendragon." She then held out a polite hand as her feet once again touched the ground. "Hi Evania. It's nice to meet you."

Evania blinked a bit like she was a little surprised that someone would try so hard to be nice to someone who wasn't even bothering to talk to her. She took the Succubi's hand and shook it with a gentle smile, trying to convey what she was thinking.

"So, by the eyes, I'm assuming your a Vampire. That's pretty cool." She smiled.

Evania once again looked guilty and Sylvia took notice.

"Okay, so you don't or can't talk." Sylvia noted. "Can you project your thoughts to my brain? Vampires can do that right?"

Evania nodded but then shrugged with another guilty expression. This was proving a lot more difficult than she thought it would be. Her mother told her that she would find the best person possible to be her roommate. Someone who would help her as best as she could, but she didn't put Janet in here. But she spoke Sign! Why not put a person who understands her in her room!

"Not enough practice with that yet. I get it." Sylvia seemed to be in thought herself as Evania's eyes widened, shocked that the succubus could figure that out just by her shrugging. "Since you can't talk do you know Sign Langauge?" Evania's eyes nearly popped out of her head as Sylvia face palmed. "Of course she knows Sign. She can't talk." The succubus muttered to herself.

Evania began moving her hands to sign the words. "You understand Sign Language?"

"Yep! I had a friend who was deaf. She was a vampire like you except she was a Stargazer vampire and no one actually knew she was deaf. But! But she preferred to talk in Sign because she didn't feel right sticking  her thoughts in someone else's head to talk to people."

"Did my mother ask you to stay here?"

"Why would your- Oh shit! Arthur! That's the headmaster's name! You're mom's the headmaster?! That's cool! But uh... no she didn't ask me. I was just put here."

Evania seemed to be in thought again as she touched her hand back to her chin.

"Guess I was lucky I mentioned that I spoke Sign in my application." Sylvia grinned.

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