Chapter 69

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"Are you sure this was the best present you could come up with?" Octavia questioned with a raised eyebrow as she helped Evania set up the tank.

She said she wanted one. Evania answered.

"But a snake?" Octavia cringed.

She and Evania stepped back to examine their work. The large three foot long, foot and a half tall and wide tank had been set up against the side wall of Evania's room, sitting comfortably on her dresser. It had been decorated to look like a forest with tons of live and fake plants, moss, and even bedding to resemble dirt. There was a huge water bowl in the corner with a small waterfall and a large rock on the other side with a lamp resting on top of the mesh top to keep it hot.

"Don't get me wrong, this looks really cool, but a snake? In your room?" Octavia visibly shivered.

Evania rolled her eyes and smiled at her mother. There are scarier things than a noodle with teeth.

"Are you sure Sylvia will like it?"

Evania turned her head to look at the medium sized plastic container which would house the new addition to her and Syl's bedroom. The orange and red colored snake was already exploring every inch of the small box that it was in. It's head snapped around quickly at her approach before it continued to move around the box.

She couldn't fight the smile as she turned back to her mother. She's going to love it.

She pulled her phone out and sent Vanessa a text message, letting her know that they were finished setting it up and to head back to the dorm. Evania then lifted the box as she and her mother headed back into the main room where Gwen, Sol and Mani were fixing up dinner for everyone. The couches had been moved to be on either side of the room, yet not in the way of the doors even though they certainly blocked the bookshelves. Instead there were two large  foldable tables with a whole bunch of chairs around it for everyone to be seated.

Janet, Kai, Chysolite, Zali, Isirona, Levian, Lyndi and Nebit were already seated at the table, laughing and joking around with each other, though their expressions lit up as Evania returned into the room.

"Is this it?" Janet asked, standing up to look at the box Evania was holding.

Evania set the box on the table with a nod.

"She's incredibly well socialized." Isirona offered. "Usually snakes aren't as relaxed in the presence of so many people and loud noises."

Can you understand animals? Evania asked the fox goddess who had leaned forward so her head was resting on top of her hands on the table as if she was trying to get closer to the creature. Her ears were turned and aiming directly at it.

"I can. I told her that she was perfectly safe here and that she was going to have a good life under Sylvia's care."

"That explains it." Isirona chuckled.

"Well, once Sylvia gets here she's going to put her in her tank and it can get to know it's new home." Zali smiled. "Though I am surprised she wanted a snake."

"Do you not like snakes?" Kai questioned, sitting up as her ears zoned in on Zali instead.

"They move weird." Zali shivered a bit. "I don't hate them, but they make me uncomfortable."

"Remind you of anything?" Chysolite questioned, raising a playful eyebrow.

"Remind me of- No! Gross! That's-" Zali's head turned from Chysolite to Isirona who had moved so she was holding up her head with her arm and was wearing a very knowing smirk.

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