Chapter 71

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Sylvia was sitting in the grass with Evania overlooking the campus field which was filled with students playing games with each other.  The field was on the far side of the campus, and bordered on one side by the river, one side by the school, another by the soccer field, and the final side by the forest.

Sylvia and Evania were seated on a picnic blanket looking out at the students who were gathered for some kind of festival or sporting event, as there were a few booths set up with food being served.

Evania poked the snout of the snake that was currently wrapped around Sylvia's neck with a soft smile. Penne not so much as flinching at the action, and instead just giving a content tongue flick from where she was basking around Sylvia's shoulders.

"I guess she was a good choice." Evania signed with soft smile.

"She's awesome." Sylvia smiled. "Much more well behaved than Vanessa."

"Vanessa is not a pet." Evania retorted.

Sylvia shrugged before looking back at said Irish vampire who was sprinting across the field while skillfully kicking her soccer ball between people who were either sitting or walking around the field playing and completely ignoring her presence. The vampire darted across the field, running up to her sister before pelting the ball into her back getting the human mage to turn from Isirona whom she was talking to and glare at Vanessa who pointed and laughed before turning to dart away.

Before she could get away however, Zali reached her hand out as her green magic crackled up her arm. Vanessa couldn't make it two steps before she froze in place, mid sprint before being levitated up into the air. Zali kissed Isirona on the cheek before jogging past several people as she made her way towards the river.

Vanessa won't like getting wet. Evania smiled.

"Here's hoping she's wearing a ring." Sylvia chuckled.

Even from this distance they could hear the loud splash as Vanessa was unceremoniously dumped into the river. Followed by very loud shouting, and much laughter as everyone else found it just as comedic as Zali did.

Over the semester the student council had become notoriously famous, and everyone knew each member by name and appearance. Even Orenda who barely showed up to meetings was just as well known as the rest of them. Even today, where she showed up to enjoy the people, Sylvia could see as people pointed in awe at her and Samarra who was seated beside her with what had to be her parents, Aviri Nightshade and Peredite sitting with them.

"It's nice to see Orenda enjoying herself like the rest of us again." Evania noted.

"I guess her and Chloe had a long talk about going to this other world. Orenda helped her how she could and bought some time for Samarra, but she doesn't have a way to get there yet, so preparing as much as she was is only going to hurt her more."

Evania nodded in agreement before smiling as a small group of people walking past noticed the snake around Sylvia's neck and pointed, wide eyed at the succubus as they moved past.

"Do you know what this festival is supposed to be for?" Evania asked.

"You don't know?" Sylvia raised a curious eyebrow. "I was just following you."

"The council doesn't know?"

"We were just told there was a festival and to be prepared in case something happened." Sylvia shrugged, gently petting the snake around her collar as she looked up at the sunset overhead. The sky wasn't pitch dark yet, but the faint bits of sunlight were starting to fade away.

The two of them quickly noticed a few students who's skin started to glow almost like an electric eel in certain places around their faces and down their necks. Evania thought it was beautiful, and almost wished she could glow like that.

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