Chapter 95

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Making her way out of her bedroom, Evania smiled as Levian left Sylvia's room, carefully closing the door behind her. The human noticed Evania before smiling brightly.

"Good morning." The human called.

Evania bowed her head with a smile of her own in a silent greeting before making her way into the kitchen.

"Is Sylvia still asleep?" Levian asked, lowering her voice a bit as she glanced back at Evania's door.

Yes, but she's in her pocket dimension. Evania answered.

Levian returned to her normal speaking voice. "Oh, perfect. I'm so used to Blue not being able to hear me when she's asleep I forget other people do." She chuckled. "I didn't want to wake Sylvia or anything and have her turn me into a hamster or something."

Well, I can't say she would because I've never seen her try. Evania smiled back as she started making her breakfast smoothie. Did you want breakfast?

"I brought some things over to make breakfast with." Levian admitted as she waved her off. "Take your time. I don't have classes."

I'm on break. Evania shrugged. How is Mani feeling?

"She's doing much better. I appreciate you two letting us stay here until she's back on her feet."

Of course. Evania smiled, narrowing her eyes a bit like she was confused that Levian was so grateful for it. You know you two are always welcomed here right?

"I just never really thought about it until it happened. We usually just used my room in the tower but Minerva would cross contaminate once in a while."

Minerva? Evania blinked curiously.

"Blue's Direwolf?" Levian offered. "Did Sylvia never mention to you that Blue has a Direwolf?"

It must have slipped her mind.

"Well we can't exactly bring her into your dorm because it's a little small, so currently she's living with Red." Levian explained. "Once Blue's back on her feet she's going to get tackled with kisses and licks and I don't think either of us are looking forward to it."

Well you can't see Sol right now right?

"Right. Otherwise I'll bring whatever this is to her and she'll get sick and then they both get miserable." Levian grumbled. "At least Blue sucks it up. Red just complains and whines the entire time and it's the worst. Lyn helps but there's only so much the two of us can do with Red acting like she's literally dying."

She does seem like she'd be really extra about it.

"I really don't know where she gets it from."

Sylvia usually won't say anything if she's not feeling well until she needs the help. Then she'll have me or Vanessa just hang around to make sure she's okay, but she's quiet about it. Evania smiled.

"Like I said, I have no idea where Red gets it from." Levian shook her head. "But at least it doesn't last too long. Maybe another day or so and Blue will be fine."

Stay as long as you need to. We already told you that we're not using that room for anything so you two are welcomed to it. If Mani needs a shower or something there's a moonstone ring in Sylvia's bathroom cubard.

"Good to know. Maybe she'll want a bath." Levian shrugged. "I'm sure she's sick of laying in bed."

So she can't focus on a person's thoughts at all right now?

"Right. She explained it as a pinging headache. Whenever she tries to reach out with her thoughts she gets nailed with a sharp pain. If she doesn't reach out then its not as bad." Levian explained. "It seems like an illness tailored to vampires but she's never been able to pass it on to another vampire, which is why we weren't worried about coming here. It seems almost personal for her, but the symptoms are all normal."

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