Chapter 103

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"Did you enjoy it?"

"Shut up."

"You did though, right?"

"Shut up..."

"Come on! You have to tell me! Was it hot?"


Sylvia chuckled as their vice president grilled Vanessa on making out with Sylvia. Of course Sylvia had no shame what so ever, but Vanessa was uncharacteristically thrown off by the teasing.

Evania had set her pen down to listen, with the group seemingly giving up on planning while Desdemona teased the vampire. They were planning a "Back from Break" event for when the students began to return to the campus to celebrate when Evania had let it slip that Vanessa had made out with Sylvia, which got the attention from everyone in the room.

Zali leaned forward a bit towards Evania. "And you're not upset by it?"

"A little jealous, but I told her it was okay. As soon as I started getting uncomfortable she stopped so it's not like she cheated on me or anything." Evania shrugged. "But jealous is the right word."

"You're jealous? I'm jealous. I would kill to make out with Sylvia." Desdemona grumbled.

"No thanks." Sylvia smiled back playfully. "Of course you would have more experience on me I'm sure, I appreciate the thought."

"I might be the Devil of Lust, but I can't charm people like a succubus can. I would love to get the shit charmed out of me."

"I mean, I don't have to make out with you to do that."

"Could you charm Kendra sometimes? Just to get her to loosen up a bit?" Desdemona asked.

"Don't act like she doesn't treat you whenever you ask." Sylvia scoffed. "Most of the time she smells more of lust than you do."

"So out of everyone you picked Vanessa?" Zali raised a curious eyebrow.

"It was between Vanessa or Kai." Evania shrugged.

"We rightly assumed Vanessa would be more opened to it." Sylvia added.

Zali glanced at Kai who was sitting beside her. The Kitsune was wearing her blindfold today, so her expression was mostly unreadable, but there were certainly traces of a smirk on her lips like she was enjoying Vanessa's embarrassment.

"Why do the succubi all want to sleep with Kai?" Zali grumbled.

"She's literally a God." Vanessa scoffed.

"Actually, Kai was more Evania's preference. You know, with her ability to remove negative emotions and all." Sylvia explained.

"I'll work on it." Evania nodded. "But it's not going to happen anytime soon."

"Well, Sylvia can at least make out with Vanessa right? Seeing her this flustered is a godsend." Zali chuckled. "She's barely said a word this whole time!"

"Well the more I do it the less it'll throw her off." Sylvia explained. "I wouldn't want her to get an immunity. I want her to sit on this for as long as possible and wonder what other things I can make her feel without even trying."

"I wish you were a Devil, I would make you my successor in a heartbeat." Desdemona leaned forwards resting her chin on her hands as she smiled so perversely it made Vanessa and Zali blush nervously.

"Um... Isn't your ritual of succession like a giant orgy?" Vanessa asked.

"It's a three day long orgy." Desdemona confessed. "But that's only part one of the ritual. Part two is a test of leadership."

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