Chapter 38

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I thought you were kidding. Evania narrowed her eyes at the succubus.

"It's just two." She answered.

But why your lip?

Sylvia ran her tongue over the new stud she had gotten on her lip before smiling brightly. "I thought it suited me."

And the other one?

"Daith piercings help with migranes." She answered as she pointed to her ear. Sure enough Sylvia had gotten the inside cartilage of her right ear pierced. "I might get the other one later, but I want to see if this one helps first."

Please don't end up with a bunch more.

"It's just my ears, lip and nose. I promise. No more." Sylvia grinned.

You have your nose pierced? Evania asked, trying to examine Sylvia's face.

Sylvia pointed to the right side of her nose with a grin, drawing attention to the little pink stud resting on it's side.

I thought that was a freckle. Evania turned away from her girlfriend to try and hide her embarrassment as they walked down the streets of the nearby town. Sylvia laughed before taking Evania's hand happily as she caught up to her.

"I can't remember the last time I changed it, so I don't blame you. To be honest I haven't changed my earrings in forever either." The succubus smiled.

I'm glad your feeling better. Evania rolled her eyes.

"I feel a lot better after our snuggle sessions the last few days. I know the doctor wants me to stay home for another week or so, but I think I can go back as long as I'm careful." Sylvia answered.

Don't push yourself.

"I won't. Hey, do you want to get a pet?" Sylvia grinned as she pointed to a petstore.

No. I think whomever we buy it from would think I was going to eat it. Evania confessed.

"If it makes you feel better I can pretend to want to fuck it." Sylvia offered, getting Evania to punch her in the arm rather hard. Thankfully not her bandaged arm, but it hurt none the less. Though Sylvia just laughed it off and they continued walking.

I don't understand how you can say things like that out loud. Evania noted.

"Because I don't care what other people think." Sylvia answered.

You and I both know that's not true. The vampire glanced up at her girlfriend who just smiled in response.

"True. I care a little. But not over certain things. If people already think I'm a monster and have no interest in changing their minds why should I try?"

I wish I could be that brave. Evania sighed.

"So where are we headed next? Lunch?" Sylvia asked as she let go of Evania's hand to stretch her arms out over the back of her head before retaking her hand again practically dragging her along.

What would you like? I'm obviously not hungry.

"You can try some of whatever I get, that's fine." Sylvia grinned. "Where would you like to go?"

Evania glanced around the streets before pointing to a small coffee shop with a childlike smile. As they walked up to it, they noticed the Willow Creek University sticker on the window of the door right above the handle. This brought a smile to both their faces as Sylvia pulled the door opened and held it opened for Evania.

"Pick our seats. I'll grab you a smoothie." Sylvia kissed Evania on the cheek before making her way up to the counter. The cashier was going through a paper on the counter before looking up at Sylvia with a gentle smile. Her expression changed twice in quick succession, looking confused for only a split second before her smile returned. "Good afternoon." Sylvia practically purred as she walked up.

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