Chapter 93

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Evania didn't think a massage would be something she would enjoy as much as she did. She was very pleasantly surprised as Sylvia's hands put a perfect amount of pressure over her back and shoulders. Evania was doing her best not to be very vocal about it, but it was becoming more and more difficult.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" Sylvia asked.

Evania groaned into her pillow in response but this only got the succubus to chuckle as she continued. "Deep breath... Exhale slowly."

The vampire did not expect Sylvia to be able to pop her back getting her to gasp. "When did you learn to do this?" Evania asked over her shoulder, her golden eyes half lided as Sylvia smiled down at her.

"You said so yourself, I'm a very fast learner." Sylvia repeated the process a few more times, popping Evania's back in a few places that absolutely drove the vampire wild. She had never had anything like this done before and it was so thorough that she couldn't help but be head over heels.

"I do have a question." Sylvia continued after a while. "But no freaking out, nothing's happening anytime soon okay?"


"You seemed awfully interested in boning Kai with me, is that really something you're thinking about?"

Evania chuckled. "You're the one who seems more against it."

"I just find it really interesting. You never seemed like the person who would be okay with that, so I'm just trying to make sure my nature isn't bleeding into you like Isirona's did for Zali."

"Well we're not as connected. So I would assume there's no bleeding of natures. However Vampires tend to have pretty selfish tendencies. Maybe I just want to experience everything." She shrugged a big, getting Sylvia to dig her thumb into a particular sore spot which got both of them to flinch a bit. "Sorry."

"Let's get this knot out of here." Sylvia purred, rubbing her thumb into that spot.

"The only thing that concerns me is that maybe I'm taking my experiences from a bad place."

"Well first of all, we have to discuss things with Kai, if that's the route we're taking. I'm sure you trust Kai more than Vanessa." She chuckled.

"You'd sleep with Vanessa?" The vampire questioned.

"Her mindset is similar to mine in that it wouldn't mean anything more than entertainment. But obviously I would want you to be comfortable with whatever partners we've picked."

"Who would you trust more? Vanessa or Kai?"

"Well, Kai is a bit difficult."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think she experiences emotions like the rest of us do. I don't think it would be meaningful to her at all. But it could also be the opposite. Maybe she would see it as an act of great emotion without realizing it. Like maybe she would get jealous? Then there's Chysolite. While maybe Kai wouldn't feel anything maybe Chysolite would be jealous and I would hate to be smited by what is basically a reality bending demonic entity from another dimension." Sylvia shrugged. "With Vanessa and Ciera there would be no misunderstandings."

"I suppose. Maybe we should have a word with Vanessa then and see if they're interested?"

"So you're seriously interested in this kind of thing?"

"Curious." Evania corrected. "I won't really know how interested I am in doing it until we try, but something tells me it won't be too bad."

"I do have another thing to ask."

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