Chapter 61

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"Don't!" Reza shouted as she chased after the devil who walked forward.

Sylvia felt a hand on her shoulder as she was roughly turned to face the devil whom Desdemona had warned her about.

"Melisande." The succubus noted.

She happened to be walking with Kendra, who's gaze stared daggers at the devil who's red eyes may have matched her own devil's but she knew for a fact this woman was not Desdemona. There was no warmth behind her eyes. No kindness or caring. She was cold, and vile.

Melisande's eyes darted across Sylvia's features, her expression softening to something akin to fear as realization seemed to settle into her features. Then her gaze steeled into a glare. "You are his child."


Reza caught up, grabbing Melisande's arm and pulling her backwards, however the devil dug her heels into the dirt and didn't break eye contact with the succubus.

"If I recall correctly, you were banished from the campus." Kendra warned. "I would hate to have to remove you from it by force..."

Melisande's eyes darted to Kendra a snarl begining to form before once again recognition took it's place. "And you're her's. A descendant at the very least. You can stand in each other presence and not hate it?"

Sylvia and Kendra exchanged glances. "I'm assuming she's talking about Arthur and Morgan."

"It would seem." Kendra nodded before the two of them looked back the devil. "Is there something I can help you with? Why exactly does our legacy bother you so much."

"I had to see it for myself." Melisande answered. "The daughter of King Arthur, acting like a class pet."

Sylvia raised an eyebrow before she smirked. "I remember now. You're the devil whom my father sealed away with Excalibur."

"I see you were old enough to remember after all." Melisande grinned before turning her gaze back to Kendra. "Did Morgan not tell her children how exactly she knew of the Princess's lies? Of how their daughter was replaced by a changeling?"

"What?" Sylvia questioned.

"Your bastard of a father took my wings. I thought it only fair -"

"Melisande! Get the fuck off the campus before you get into even more trouble! Desdemona is already pissed enough at you as it is!" Reza snarled.

"No. Let her finish." Sylvia held her hand up to stop her.

"Yes Reza. The Queen has every right to know about how I told Morgan that I stole King Arthur's real daughter and replaced her with a changeling. A little devil child to usurp the throne from right under his nose." Melisande grinned wickedly. "It was only fair after he took everything from me."

"Morgan tortured you till you told lies." Kendra noted. "She was going to destroy you."

"I offered information in exchange. It may have been a white lie, but the proof was already there. You were a demon, and your bastard father was so content to keep a demon in his bed he cared little for the consequences. I only needed to-"


Melisande stumbled back from the impact of Sylvia's fist against her cheek. Even Reza and Kendra stepped back and looked at the succubus in shock.

"You can say whatever it is you want about me." Sylvia warned, tightening her fist like she was testing to see if she had broken any fingers. "But my father is the greatest man that ever walked the face of this earth. His name is written in story books where it will remain for an eternity as the greatest legend humanity will ever tell."

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