Chapter 105

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"Are you ready Treasure?" Sylvia smiled, placing her hand on Evania's shoulder.

"That's a stupid question." Evania muttered.

"What's you're color?"

Evania took a deep breath before glancing at the stage before her. She knew this was something she was going to have to do, but it would really be the first time she's ever spoken publicly for everyone to see. She had built up her reputation as the school mute, and was about to break that reputation into a ton of tiny pieces.

She looked back into the purple eyes of Sylvia Pendragon, her anchor and really the only thing that give her confidence at all. As much as she wanted to run away and hide under her covers and never think of this again, she knew doing this was the first step towards the rest of her life.

She took another deep breath before nodding a bit. "Purple."

"That's my girl." Sylvia purred, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll be right beside you, and I'll hold your hand the entire time. You got this Treasure."

Evania nodded a bit, taking her hand before moving towards the stage. Her mother was just finishing up her part of the speech with Guinevere standing beside her.

"-She'll be an absolute joy to have on the Board of Directors! One final time, let us welcome Guinevere Pendragon to Willow Creek!" Octavia smiled. She really didn't expect the crowd present to cheer but they erupted in screams and cheers at Guinevere's introduction getting her to chuckle and bow.

Octavia shook Guinevere's hand before glancing towards Sylvia and Evania where the former gave Octavia a thumbs up. She smiled before turning back towards the crowd.

"Now. I know it's no secret that I myself am human. I don't hide this fact at all. But I do know that many of you are immortal, and while I have no such gift I also have no desire to acquire it. I look forward to old age and retirement, and I can't wait to see what this school becomes." Octavia smiled. Much of the crowd murmured in discontent, seemingly not knowing what to do with that information.

"That being said, I have no intention of leaving this school to the wolves. Even when I was first setting this school up, I knew that I needed to make sure that the school would always be taken care of by people who knew the system, and would be able to keep it separate from the Hunter's Guild and the Wizard's Tower.  I want them to see it, and aid in this schools creation, but I also want to ensure that this school continues to remain independent where neither group can take too much control over it."

"Thus, I carefully picked members of my Board of Directors so they come from all backgrounds while still understanding exactly what I am trying to create with this school. In all honesty, I had fully intended for Isirona to take over once I retired, with the Board assisting in maintaining and advancing the school. However, over the years I have watched two people grow and prove themselves in so many ways. I had always dreamed of the idea my daughter would be able to take my place, but knew that due to uncontrollable circumstances it would be impossible. However, someone came into her life- our life - and changed all of that. They even proved that they were smart enough to help in leading this school onto a better path. Watching her grow, I realized that she would make a better headmaster than any of us could ever hope to be."

Octavia turned back towards Sylvia and Evania with a gentle smile. "With her help, my daughter grew out of her shell and pushed herself to become the person she wanted to be. I know, without a shadow of a doubt that between the two of them this school will flourish far more than I could have ever hoped. I won't take up anymore of your time, and instead I would like to once again introduce my daughter in law, Sylvia Pendragon and my daughter Evania Arthur as my formal replacements for when I inevitably retire." She motioned towards the two of them, and they walked out onto the stage as the crowd went nuts.

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