Chapter 96

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"Finally!" Vanessa shouted, leaping out of the car and practically rolling onto the grass. "I hate road trips!"

Zali stepped out of the car behind her. "Then why the hell did you agree to this if you were just going to complain the entire time?"

Vanessa sat upright and looked back at Zali as Isirona, Evania and Sylvia made their way over. "Because Evania needed me, so I'm gonna be there!"

Zali crossed her arms and glanced at Evania who was carrying a bright orange fox in her arms. They had agreed that Kai was going to need to hide her divine appearance while they were far away from the school, as the rest of the world was more unfamiliar with demons, and Kai did not like being the center of attention.

Evania then glanced over at Vanessa once more and realized that Isirona's spell held up pretty well. Although she couldn't change Vanessa's eye color, she could hide the silver cracks across her face. The vampire looked almost normal. She didn't really care if people knew she was a vampire, but agreed to hide them so they could do whatever they needed to while they were here.

Evania glanced over at the forest trail that lead to where her father had been buried. She glanced down at Kai, feeling that the fox was sucking all of the nervousness and negative emotions out of her body. Are you going to stay in this form the whole time?

Kai tilted her head upwards a bit as if she was looking up at Evania though her eyes didn't move. "I'll stay like this. In case we run into any humans." She offered, her voice echoing from the small creature's head.

"Hopefully we don't run into anyone." Vanessa answered as she stood back up. Zali plucked a few sticks out of the vampire's hair before rolling her eyes.

"We should be fine." Zali agreed. "But we are here if you need us Eva."

Sylvia gently nudged Evania's shoulder and smiled at her. "Alright. Let's go."

Zali and Vanessa each grabbed a backpack out of the trunk of the car before following after the group as they made their way into the forest. After walking for about ten minutes Vanessa broke the serene silence of the forest. "I do have to ask though. Why did you guys choose to bury him way out here?"

"When we were human he used to take us out here on hikes." Evania answered. "Before I got sick, and even when I did, sometimes he would carry me out here just so I could see it."

"He sounds like a wonderful man." Isirona noted.

"He was. Before he was turned he was a great father." Evania agreed.

They continued walking deeper into the woods, even crossing a small river where large stones had clearly been moved and placed like a bridge of stepping stones. They easily hopped across with Evania setting Kai on her back where the fox easily clung to her shoulders. Once they hopped across the river the fox rolled over Evania's shoulder and back into her arms where she lay on her back being cradled like a child, with her little paws up in the air.

"I think Kai is enjoying this too much." Vanessa noted.

"I want Eva to hold me like that." Sylvia grumbled.

"Oh for crying out loud." Zali rolled her eyes.

"You can hardly blame them. I'm sure anyone would love to be cradled like a child sometimes. Especially one such as Kai who is used to caring for other people all the time." Isirona chuckled.

"Is Zali actually jealous of me?" Kai asked.

"It would seem like it." Evania answered with a chuckle.

Evania led the group only a little farther before they came to a large oak tree sitting in the back of a small clearing, only about ten feet wide. The tree itself was almost five feet wide, and towered over the other trees. Sitting in front of the tree was a small tombstone surrounded by small stones wrapping around the ground in a large oval shape.

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