Chapter 2

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Evania twirled the pencil in her hand as she watched the people walk around the campus. They were clearly just exploring, and wandering without any purpose since classes wouldn't start for another day or so.

It had already been a week since she arrived on campus and met her room mate who turned out to not be so bad. However, she still had annoying tendencies.

The succubus went to bed really late, and usually never even came home until early morning. Of course this was likely because she didn't want to bring a fuck buddy over and irritate Evania, but still, it was irritating.

The vampire paused when a scent passed under her nose before she looked up finding the Succubus walking with Janet into one of the buildings. The two of them were talking about something school related because they were both looking in a big blue binder.

Evania sighed, then looked over her shoulder as a younger woman yelped in pain before a loud stumble followed. Said woman had bumped into a gentleman and fallen, skinning her knee. The guy helped her pick up her things and apologized several times before they parted ways. He didn't notice that she had a slight limp in her step even as she smiled and walked away.

Evania turned her head away and sighed deeply, closing her eyes and trying to concentrate on anything other than the fact she could smell the poor girl's blood as a few drops were left on the concrete walkway.

She reluctantly stood up, putting the pencil in her back pocket, pulled her bag over her shoulder and followed after the girl. She found her around a corner and bent over looking at her scraped knee with a wince.

Evania cleared her throat, getting the girl's attention where she stood up and smiled nervously. "H-Hey. Can I help you?"

Evania opened her mouth and pointed to her fang, making sure the first thing the girl knew was that she was a vampire to make this a bit easier. She swallowed nervously.

"It's just a scrape. It's not that serious." The girl answered.

Evania then pretended to grab the corner of her mouth and pull her hand across her lips like she was zipping it closed with a gentle smile, trying to say that she had no intention of hurting her, which made the girl relax a bit. "You're the headmaster's daughter right? Evania? I guess you really don't talk." She smiled weakly.

Evania shook her head sadly before offering her hand. The girl smiled and took her hand, shaking it with a bow of her head. "Bethany. It's nice to meet you."

Evania pointed down to the girl's knee with her other hand, noting that it was still bleeding. She could feel the animal clawing at the back of her thoughts, begging her to get on with this.

"D-Do you want me to cover it up?" Bethany questioned nervously, as Evania hadn't yet released her hand and she was starting to feel trapped.

Evania knelt down, not letting go of her hand, but not dragging her with her either. With her free hand she hovered over the small wound and let her magic heal the wound before she used a handkerchief to clean where the wound had been before she stood back up with a gentle smile.

"Th-thank you. Um..." Bethany looked to their still intertwined hands nervously. She didn't want to be rude and just pull away, but she also didn't like the look that the vampire had in her eyes. She looked guilty, like she was about to regret doing something.

Then, the vampire's eyes glowed, turning red, and Bethany felt her consciousness slipping. As she fell, the vampire caught her. Not wanting to waste too much time and risk getting caught she leaned over quickly, and sunk her teeth into Bethany's neck, drinking the ambrosia from her veins.

Louder Than Words (Lesbian Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang