Chapter 21

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Evania was making her way back to the dorm from one of her classes. She was passing through the courtyard watching students around her. One student ran past, likely late to class. Another was sitting on the grass talking with a friend, and another was sitting on the bench going through a binder.

The vampire couldn't help but smile softly at the people around her enjoying life in the school. She turned her head back just in time to catch a man shoulder her, nearly taking her off her feet.

"Watch where you're going, Mute." He growled.

Evania looked up at the man who towered over her. He wasn't largely muscular, but he looked like a track runner. His face was chiseled to perfection, and one look at his eyes told him why.

He had purple eyes. The same purple eyes as her Sylvia.

An Incubus? Evania thought before quickly signing an appology and ducking her head down as she went to turn away.

"Wait... You've been marked by Sylvia?" He questioned.

She looked back at him curiously before touching a hand to her neck to check for a hickey. Did Sylvia really do that to her?

"No you idiot." The man rolled his eyes. "Her scent is all over you." He smirked devilishly. "I think I just figured out how to get back at her for-" He reached for her and her eyes widened in fear. She opened her mouth to shout, but thankfully she didn't have to.

A quick burst of heat before a flame lit up between them. When Evania's eyes refocused, Kai was standing in front of her with her hair lit aflame. The man stepped back before glaring forwards. "Are you serious? Of course she has people watching out for her. The stupid mute-"

"Is the Daughter of the Headmaster of the school, and you will respect her like any other person." Kai snarled.

"You think just because you're a God that you can just-"

"Burn you till your nothing but ash and get away with it? Absolutely. Beat it." Kai ordered, pointing to the side.

He growled then turned and walked away but Kai didn't move until Evania gently took her arm as a silent thank you. Kai didn't say anything, but she could feel how much the vampire was trembling. Her hair dimmed, and she put her hand over Evania's who pulled her into a hug.

Kai wrapped her arms around the girl, gently rubbing circles into her back as the vampire tried to calm herself down.

Sorry. Evania whispered in the fox's mind.

"Don't appologize for other people's stupidity. I find bullies to be disgusting, and will always step in." Kai explained. "I probably get into more fights than anyone in this school. I'm not entirely sure why I haven't been expelled."

Because my mom knows you're only doing what's right. Evania answered.

"Are you okay?"

Evania's grip tightened a bit before she stepped back. Just thinking about what could have happened caused her thoughts to run rampent with worry. She tried to tell Kai she was okay in thought but couldn't focus enough to send her thoughts out. She went to sign, but then winced realizing that Kai wouldn't be able to see it before sighing in frustration as her anxieties crept back up on her.

Kai picked up on her emotions quickly, reaching forward and pulling the girl back into a hug without saying another word. The fox's ears folded back even though her expression was still mostly calm giving away her own emotions. Evania let out a shaky breath before focusing only on her own breathing, and the comfortable warmth that Kai's body was giving off. A warmth that seemed to suck the anxieties from her body.

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