Chapter 49

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Sylvia watched as Evania stopped in front of her mother's office, pausing as her hand reached for the door. The vampire could hear voices on the other side, and recognized two of them. She knew she has faced them before, but she also felt nervous.

She felt in her heart that whatever magic that had given her a few moments of respite from her curse had to have faded by now. There was no way her luck would last that long right? It wouldn't-

"I think I figured it out." Sylvia told her, slapping her fist into an empty palm like a lightbulb went off in her head. Evania looked at her and raised a curious eyebrow. "So, not to be vulgar in public or anything, but when I'm all hot and bothered, I drain your mana more than usual."

The lightbulb went off in Evania's mind as well. "I can speak after you drain my magic, so my magic doesn't spread to my words."

"I think that's how it works. It won't last long because you'll get your magic back quickly, but I can give you a few minutes."

"I'm not going to have sex with you just so I can talk."

Sylvia rolled her eyes. "You know the full drain I did on you to prevent myself from loosing control? I can do that at any time Treasure. I can do it right now and you can step into that room and speak." Sylvia motioned towards the door.

"But then I'll be drowsy and lethargic."

"When I drained you earlier you weren't. Because I'm feeding off the magic that triggers your curse before I take your actual energy away." The succubus answered.

"Is there a way you can do that from a distance? Like, through our link?"

"I could possess you, and feed off of you just enough to keep the spell at bay."

"Not what I meant. Could you use the link at all?" Evania repeated.

"I can try. But I would have to practice. It's not like taking your mana through contact. I have to drag it through a mental connection without letting it disappear."

"If it disappears it doesn't matter, as long as I don't have it."

Sylvia scoffed. "I won't waste a meal."

Sylvia! Evania growled in their minds.

"Are we going inside or what?" Sylvia motioned towards the door again.

Evania sighed deeply and rolled her eyes before pushing opened the door. Her nervousness completely gone after the short conversation. Octavia was standing behind her desk with two people sitting in chairs just in front of it.

Evania quickly recognized the black hair and golden eyes of Alice Daybreaker, the woman who saved her from living as a pet to Agora. The vampire was wearing ripped jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket. Her hair had been mostly shaved leaving her in an almost military style buzz cut, which was something she had apparently adopted recently after the battle for Exodious. Her right ear had a silver rose earring that wrapped around her entire ear.

The woman sitting beside her had curly brown hair tied up in a bun. She had electric blue eyes and was wearing a light blue blazer. Her sleeves were folded gracefully above her wrists and she wore very clean jeans and white sneakers.

The two were drastically different and looked like they couldn't possibly get along, but Evania knew this woman from the stories, though it was the first time she ever actually met her. This was Sarah Navarra, a very famous Descendent of Merlin.

Alice stood up as Evania and Sylvia entered the room. She wore a gentle smile. One that startled Sylvia as she had heard the woman was broken beyond any ability to show normal emotions. Yet she displayed them well considering she looked like a normal person, and not the broken, insane anti-hero she had been portrayed by most people.

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