Chapter 44

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Evania held the warm mug in her hands tightly, blowing on the surface. She carefully sipped the drink, then practically purred in content at it's flavor.

"Glad you like it. Never made vanilla coco before." Sylvia grinned, plopping onto the couch beside Evania. The succubus had left her snow gear scattered about the living area, and had chosen minimal clothing while she cooled down. Her body had adjusted to the cold temperature outside, so the warmth of their dorm meant she was feeling overheated.

Evania certainly wasn't going to complain about Sylvia's choice in clothing. She was sure if the succubus didn't think Evania be opposed to it, then said succubus would be completely naked. Instead she wore a pink tank top and her underwear. Leaving her swirling spirals and golden crest completely visible for the world to see.

Though, the only one with the ability to see them at the moment would be Evania herself. The rest of the world would have to wait.

"It's good." Evania assured her, even though she didn't need the verbal confirmation. The vampire was sure Sylvia could both see the joy on her face and sense her pure happiness.

Sylvia's tail wagged from beside her. "I'm glad. I always want to do my best when it comes to you. You deserve nothing less after all. So, what'd you think of my little gift?" Sylvia smiled.

"Thank you." Evania smiled. "It meant a lot."

"Well it's still your birthday for like, eight-teen more hours." Sylvia grinned, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

"That's true, you did wake me up at like two am."

"It was four, but yes. We got to watch the sun come up on your day with all your friends!" Sylvia confessed. "Which means you still have a whole bunch of day left to do things. Have anything in mind?"

Evania shrugged. "I'm content to stay in and just relax." Evania answered.

"Do you want the day for yourself?" Sylvia questioned, not at all looking disappointed. Instead with a gentle smile like she would completely understand.

Evania answered by setting her half empty mug down and moving so she was laying across Sylvia's lap.

"I guess I can stay here for a bit." Sylvia smiled, sipping from her own hot chocolate. Evania let sleep creep up on her to make up for her time being awake.

They stayed like that for a while, until Evania woke up finding Sylvia had fallen asleep herself. The succubus was leaned back with her mug set on the table beside the couch. Her head was tilted downwards like she fell asleep watching her favorite treasure.

Evania sat up slowly, doing her best not to completely disturb her partner. The succubus made a soft sigh and crinkled her nose a bit like she was stirring from her sleep before going still once more. Evania smiled softly and continued upwards, reaching up to cup the succubi's cheek as she placed her own lips to Sylvia's.

Evania heard the tail move, slapping against the couch as it wagged a moment before sliding across the fabric to move behind her. Sylvia leaned into the kiss, whether or not she was awake yet wasn't quite apparent, but she returned her lover's kiss regardless of her consciousness.

Evania's hands moved behind Sylvia's head to hold her close and deepen the kiss. She smiled as Sylvia's hands wrapped around her back pulling her closer, tilting her lips away to rest her forehead against her succubi's.

Sylvia's lips turned up into a similar smile. "I could get used to waking up like that." Sylvia purred, barely above a whisper.

"Then I'll have to do that every morning." Evania answered.

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