Chapter 31

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Sylvia saw Chloe and Tiara walking down the hallway, and before they had a chance to notice quickly darted back around the corner and walked the opposite direction. She didn't want anything to do with them and didn't care if they were going to have to work together at some point. The longer she could avoid them the better she'd feel.

She quickly felt Evania take notice of her discomfort, slipping her mind into the Succubi's to make sure she was okay. What happened? Came the vampire's call.

Nothing. I just want to avoid Chloe and Tiara. Sylvia answered as she moved down another hallway, clearly taking the long way out of the building. I don't want to make friends with her, and I don't want her to try. Even if she is a really nice person, the 'God' inside of her is not.

You're allowed to be angry at her you know. Evania told her. Sylvia could feel her girlfriend's worried expression. She hurt you, and if she doesn't understand that then there's a problem.

I know. But I'd just rather avoid her. It just sucks that Orenda needs both of us to get to her new world. Sylvia sighed deeply, scratching her arm lightly as she headed out of the building. I don't feel guilty about it. I just... a feel gross whenever I see her. Like I was used and left behind.

I know how you feel there.

Wait- I didn't mean you wouldn't know, I wanted you to know how I felt. I wasn't trying to guilt you or anything. Sylvia glanced over her shoulder like she expected Chloe to be following her.

It's okay. I figured that. You're not one to complain for attention. Otherwise everyone would know about your wings.

Sylvia smiled softly realizing her treasure knew her better than she knew herself already. She felt her nervousness and guilt slip away, and she began to make her way back to her dorm with the same pep in her step as always.

Though, weren't you in your way to student council? Evania asked, interrupting her thoughts once again.

They seemed like they were headed in there. I can explain to the others later my feelings on those two. Sylvia nodded.

Just as Sylvia got back to the dorm she got a message from Janet asking where she was. The human mentioned Chloe and Tiara, explaining that they were really cool people who were helping Orenda with a project.

Sylvia looked up at Evania as if asking for permission, finding the vampire walking out of her bedroom and up to her, watching her curiously. She nodded, and Sylvia turned back to her phone to send her a text message explaining why she wasn't going to be anywhere near them as long as Chloe was there.

She then looked up at Evania with a gentle smile, wordlessly thanking her for her kindness. She pulled  her into a big hug getting her to laugh quietly, like she was still trying to hold it back a bit.

"You're too good for me, you know that?" Sylvia asked.

Before Evania could even say the words Sylvia heard them echo in her own head.

"I could say the same about you."

Sylvia gave her treasure a quick peck on the lips. "So what were you up to before I got here?"

"I was taking a nap." She answered, glancing back towards her room. "But now that you're here we can find something else."

"If you're tired then rest." Sylvia smiled happily. "There's no reason for me to keep you up."

"I'm okay. I just like to rest while you're away." Evania smiled lightly. "I didn't expect you to be back so early since you're usually with the council."

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