The INTERWEBS, The Facts (/•ิ_•ิ)/

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HOw much do YOU know about the interwebs? ASDFGHJKL; sorry that was my brain frying ermergherd asdfghjkl;. obviously i dont know tha much about the internets demographics, but i found a site that contains a buncha interesting info. here it is:


 The United States is actually in third place currently for the world’s most internet users. Asia easily comes in first with about 36% while Europe is in second with 29% and the States get a disappointing bronze medal with 21%. On the other hand, Americans are #1 for the most people who use the internet and watch TV simultaneously and also easily get the gold for the most bloggers.

About 15 hours of video are uploaded to Youtube from around the globe each minute. After reading about this, I now know why the site typically has a limit of 10 minutes per video.

Each day, about 20 million people “tweet”. Internet experts speculate that over half of all tweets are based on controversial subjects.

About 1/3 of all internet searches are for pornography.At this second, there are 28,000+ people watching it NOW.

GOOGLE estimates the internet at about 5 million terabytes of data. the human brain only holds 1-10 terabytes.

247 BILLION emails are sent every day.(90 trillion a yer.)

It's difficult to say the leisure time on the internet surpasses because most Americans use the TV and internet at the same time.

There are 234+ MILLION websites on the internet.

There are 126+ MILLION blogs.


Top 5 countries:

1. USA: 29.22%

2. UK 6.75%

3. JAPAN: 4.88%

4: BRAZIL: 4.19%

5. CANADA: 3.93%



70% of mobile internet users use the internet at home.

Things they use the intenret for on their mobile devices:







Facebook has more than 400 million ACTIVE users.

2.5 BILLION images are uploaded to facebook each month.

Over 75% of all email messages are considered total spam. It’s estimated that only about 6% of these annoying messages are actually opened. Hopefully it’s not a virus!

The first browser was called Mosaic.

Teens that use the internet on average spend AT LEAST 2 hrs a week on Youtube or chatrooms.

 To copy the entire internet to a disc, it would take over one billion DVD’s and if you wanted to save it on the more powerful Blu-Ray discs it would take about 200 million of them.

Right now there are more women going online than men.

The first popup ad that was ever on the internet had colorful words that said "Have you ever clicked here?"

The number of senior citizens online has more than quadrupled within the last 10 years. More senior citizens are chatting on Facebook today than ever before.

A whopping 86% of online users have attended College with half having earned a degree.

The average age of all web users is 36 years old. Surprising, right?


if you have anymore interesting facts, comment them ^.^

OH!! btw there will hopefully be a Christmassy-ish chappie coming soon? Haha stay tuned homedogs. ;) 

jajajajajaaaa (<-------- btw when people use j's to write "hahahaha" it annoys the shit out of me. js.)

well uh.... so then... how about that Dec.21 shtuff today? IMA SURVIVOR (along the tune of  'I'm a survivor'.)

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