101 Ways to Make Trouble

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1. Yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater. 

2. Stick the class pet in your teacher's purse. 

3. Sprinkle thumbtacks on the ground in a crowded parking lot. 

4. Let a mouse into an elephant pen. 

5. Put an electric eel in the public swimming pool. 

6. Put peanut butter on your parents' hamburgers. 

7. Put water balloons under your sibling's pillow. 

8. Replace your sister's barbie doll heads with plastic chicken nugget toys.

9. Wash the car with steel wool pads. 

10. Cut a slit in the back of several of your sister's skirts. 

11. Use chewed gum to stick your brother's action figures to the wall. 

12. Dress up in a hockey mask and take a fake chainsaw into your brother's room, then ask if he needs a haircut. 

13. Put white toothpaste in the oreos as frosting. 

14. Pretend to hurl (use chewed frosted flakes). 

15. Dump a bag of marbles in the hallway of a hotel. 

16. Put a sticky jolly rancher on all the folding chairs at the public pool. 

17. Shave your initials in the pet dog's fur. 

18. Add a handful of salt to the lemonade you made. 

19. Replace the ice melting rock salt with sugar cubes. 

20. Rig all the family's folding chairs to fall when they're sat in. 

21. Put stamps all over a baby and put it in the mailbox. 

22. Take the teacher's unwrapped educational poster and put a Will Smith one in its place. 

23. Dress the cat up in shoes, sunglasses, baggy purple pants, and put a sign on it reading, "I'm cool. I'm mc cat." 

24. Go running and screaming past a preschool in a white sheet. 

25. Fill someone else's shampoo bottle with mayonnaise. 

26. Send freebies off the internet to an enemy. 

27. Set off "fireworks" (Kemp-Style) in the house while guests are over. 

28. Tape record someone talking in their sleep.

29. Replace your dad's beer with non-alcoholic and feed the real stuff to the family pet. 

30. Put unwrapped mini snickers bars in people's shoes. 

31. Use someone's CD's as frisbees. 

32. Say that your friend is making "sweet love" to his/her girlfriend/boyfriend when someone asks for him/her. 

33. Go clubbin' with 3 cats, a dog, and a hamster.

34. Play "Gettin' Jiggy Wit" It at full blast at a funeral.

35. Put someone's casette tapes in a fishtank. 

36. Prank call someone and say you're Ana Nicole Smith. 

37. Put melted crayon wax in someone's pockets. 

38. Replace your brother's valuable signed baseballs with ones chewed up by a dog. 

39. Call up a farmer and ask if he needs a new shipment of donkeys. 

40. Pretend you're Adam Sandler at your little sister's birthday party. 

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