How to be a NERD: The Basics.

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These days, everything is becoming opposite. "Sick" means cool, Being gangsta makes you're fly, and now everyone's sporting the "dork" glasses, which most people are just using from the 3D glasses at the movies.

If you wanna be a nerd, follow this guide, and you may (or may not) succeed. 



Of course the glasses are a must. Wear a lot of geeky things with normal clothing if you're planning on not going too overboard with the whole look. Wear suspenders with your skinny jeans, rainbow socks, mathematical related jewelry, and converse/ church style shoes. Wear a lot of pop culture.


Become the ultimate Pokemon + all anime nerd. You should own all of the pokemon cards and decorate all the walls of your room so it just looks like pokemon world. For realz.


If your friends are all up for the nerd thing too, talk in morse code with them making beeping sounds.

Beep bip bip beeeeep beep bip.

Create nerdy friendship bracelets with charms that are strictly relevent to school.


You might want to attempt at altering your sense of humor just a bit. Use bigger words to only confuse a person more, and restrict yourself to only making jokes about nerdy, geeky topics. No gossip!


When you're bored, practice long division or kick back and watch The Big Bang Theory. 

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