Hilarious Ways to Answer the Phone

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I triple dog dare you to try one of these someday. Well, here are some hilarious ways to answer the phone xD


1) Moo?

2) 911, what's your emergency?

3) Dude, I told you to bury the arms and throw the body into the ocean!!!!

4) If it's a lady, yell "Oooooh! It's a lady!!"

5) The hell do you want?


7) The number you have dialed has been disconnected...

8) *scream like a maniac* Then answer, "Sorry for the interruption."

9) Phone tag, you're it.

10) Get a life.


12) You're gonna be my new phone buddy.

13) I know where you live.

14) Send someone in with the money and no one gets hurt!

15) Sorry, she's dead. Can I have her call you back?

16) Your soul is mine

17) In perverted voice: Hello kiddies.

18) Don't look outside!

19) *burp*

20) My mom keeps her removed warts in jars under our kitchen sink...wanna see?

21) *In scary voice* It's Freddy Krueger, bitch.

22) Can you hold for a sec? *never comes back*

23) For the nuclear terrorism department, please press 1.

24) You are on a restricted CIA phone line! Get off now!

25) Fish market. Shark speaking.

26) Bye.

27) You rang?

28) If you're a salesman hang up.

29) Jello??

30) house of the lord, god speaking

31) If the person says hello first, scream 'Who sent You?!'

32) Bob, mother died! (They wont know how to respond to that.)

33) *answer phone laughing hysterically.*

36) Are you my stalker?

35) In your deepest voice, say, "Speak, muthafucka."

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