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  • Dedicated to all the turtles in the sea


GUESSWATGUESSWATGUESSWAT. im on summa break woot woot ^_^ ........ and umm thats kindasorta maybe why i havent posted anything in a few daysssss. I MEAN HONEY! [Your jewy relatives accent] I'm catching up on all the sleep I've owed myself for the past school year! GIMME A BREAK

Have you ever slept so much that it makes you even more exhausted?

First world problemos >_

So uhm, yeeeeAAAAH ! I just burped and uh you didn't really need to know that. Oh yeahhh so last night I watched THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE. I feel mind raped. Seriously. Don't watch that movie.

Anyways, I intended for this chapter to be about cool fun facts to ponder on. Here we goooo!!!!!


1) You are more likely to memorize what you've written, if you wrote in blue ink.

2)Every minute in the USA, 6 teenagers turn 17.

3) Most sodas have a ph level higher than acid rain.

4) blueberries are purple.

5) if you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn.

6) Smoking marijuana can stop protein clumpings in the brain - a cause of alzheimers disease.

7) The average person will fall in love 7 times before they get married.

8) Map makers will often place a tiny piece of incorrect information in their maps called a "copyright trap" to prevent illegal reproduction.

9) Penguins can jump up to 6 ft in the air.

10) The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes.

11) We've already forgotten 40% of what we did yesterday.

12) Due to our natural instinct for protection, we naturally tend to focus on the negatives of a person more than the positive.

13) If Barbie were real, she would be too skinny to bear children and too disproportionate to walk upright.

14) 100 years from now, there will be 500 million dead people on Facebook.

15) You are naturally born with two fears : falling and loud noises.

16) Splenda is 600 times sweeter than sugar.

17) Mosquitoes are attracted to the scent of smelly feet.

18) Fecal matter has been found on 72% of shopping carts.

19) Colors greatly affect our bodys' emotions. Blue light improves alertness and performance.

20) The longest recorded distance for projectile vomiting is 27 feet.

21) The average person will eat around 35,000 cookies in their lifetime.

22) Eating cheese before bed improves sleep quality.

23) There's a town named "Big Ugly" in West Virginia.

24) In the movie Toy Story, Andy didn't have a father because it was too expensive to animate.

25) The ice cream you see on TV is actually mashed potatoes and the milk is often white glue.

26) Men change their minds 2-3 times more than women.

27) In a public restroom, the stall closest to the door is usually the cleanest, because it is the least used.

28) Bananas contain a natural chemical that make people happier.

29) There are 2 people in the US with the last name "Squarepants."

30) When an emporor penguin finds its mate, they stay together forever.

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