Fricken Awesome COMEBACKS!!

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Comeback. You know what I mean, it's a smart response usually to an insult.

Any ideas. Anyone? Well if you have anymore after reading this guide, post 'em in the commentzz!! xD


Comebacks are meant to backfire, so don't let the joke end up on you!!

Speak like you own them. If you say it like they own you, well they might just throw you into a dumpter or flush your head in an unsanitary toilet ^_^

DO NOT mess it up! You look like a doof!! :O

Don't be so serious and look them directly in the eyeslike you're going to kill them, because they'll take it personally and punch you.


- A "pokerface."

- The ability to play it cool

' The internet (duh, to be able to see these comebacks!)


Alright kiddo, ready for the list? Here we go!




2) Roses are red, Violets are blue, god made me pretty but What the hell happened to you?

3) One big abortion gone very very wrong..

4) Stop talking out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street.

5)Why, do you find me irresistable?

6) I'm retarded. What's your excuse?

7) thats not what your mom said last night.

8) It takes one to know one

9) does the term get a life mean anything to you


Guy: Are you gay..?

You: Only on Wednesdays!


Oh, and here's another:

"Ian, your hair looks like it was invented 50 years ago in the 70's."
"50 years ago in the 70's? Isn't that when I f*cked your mom?"

Quote from Smosh. I died laughing.


Author's Note: I will be doing this new thing where I'll fan anyone who comments, starting NOW! :D

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