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  • Dedicated to the Queen of England

*whispers* Hey. Hey can-can I tell you something?


S0o0o I hope your gaiz's summa so far is amaze -ballz! (unless you're not on break yet...the wait will be worth eht, young grasshopper;_;)

I'm naht doing a ton of shtuff this summer............ probs warped tour and then vidcon and maybe anime con sooooooooo yeup cx the only 3 dayz this year for me that won't be crap. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH. Oh and today's my bday :> *grabs a handful of cake and throws it at you*

Lol nvm that's kinda gross xD I don't rly like telling anyone when my bday is because I hate le attention but you guys can keep a secret, riiiiiiiiiiiight??????? Whale, I'M PUTTING THIS ON THE INTERWEBS SO NVM. Lawlz @ my lyf.

TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT.......!!!!! Yesterday I went to the pier AND THERE WERE A BAJILLION SEALS OH MY FREAKING GOD ASDDGHJKLL. But the sad part was when one seal went out into the water and he came back with some kind of bird (it looked like a penguin or... huge pigeon idk) AND HE BIT THE FUCK OUT OF THAT BIRD.

I MEAN, NO JOKE, THIS DUDE WAS EATING LIKE HE'D BEEN PREVIOUSLY RELIGIOUSLY FASTING OHMYGLOB AND I COULDN'T EVEN LOOK (BUT THEN I KINDA DID) so... I wouldn't be surprised if I end up having dreams about this carnivorous seal attacking me.

But... it was a seal. Everything they kinda do is.. cute ...kawaii desu nu. YEAH I'M LEARNING JAPANESE. Wait is that the only thing I can say in japanese? Yeah. Probably.

I've been watching LOADS OF ANIME LATELY. Mainly watching Angel Beats again but ehts so sad;_; *curls up in a ball and sobs in le corner*

Does anyone else watch Hailedabear? Idk, I've been watching her a lot lately. And Hannah Hacksaw >.>

Uhh this chappie was supposed to be bout something else...*feeling conflicted* uhm okkkk I'll just jump right into it.

Have you evarr wanted to prank call someone, but you're the type that'll just bust out hysterically laughing or panic or whatnot? WELL THEN, YOUNG ONE. YOU SHOULD PRANK TEXT SOMEONE. YEH????

I honestly did a couple of these but followed those texts with "oops sorry wrong number."



-Make sure the person doesn't have your number already! If not you're screwed, haha.

-don't use numbers from the phone book. Those are most likely landline phone numbers or #'s of older people. Just type out a bunch of random numbers and send them to several people instead of waiting for one person to reply at a time.

-If you're using an android or iphone, there are apps available to withhold your real number so the caller id is different for prank texts or calls.

-Don't send threatening texts xD. If you do then the person will take it seriously and report your number to the police department lol.

-It's fun to do these pranks alone but it's even funner to do them with someone else xD It's just a heads up lol. Or record it for youtube! Lol.


10 Funny things to text random people:

1) Hey! I'm outside!!


3) omg my dog is choking on something I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. HELP.

4) You: Hello, and thank you for signing up for a two-year subscription to "daily pet facts." Your credit card will automatically be charged at the end of each month. Please reply with "7" to cancel your subscription.

*person replies with the number 7*


5) You: someone told me that you actually sound like an owl

Person: what? Who??

You: say that again?


You: You mean whooooo?


6) text someone the lyrics to a "high school musical" song. Keep texting people until you find someone that keeps the song going!


You: we're all in this together....

Person: Once we know

That we are

We're all stars

And we see that ...

7) send random photos of cats to everyone

8) This is the telephone terrorist team. If you have received this message, a virus will be activated on your mobile. Your mobile will be fully infected in 10 minutes unless you text back "IMANIDIOT".

9) Text a private investigator that you "hid the body". (Actually, no pls don't).

10) Lead a random stranger on to think that you're someone they know. (THIS IS ACTUALLY A REAL PRANK I DID. BELOW IS WHAT THE ACTUAL CONVERSATION WAS)


You: hi

Person: hi, sorry who is this?

You: oh come on its me:p

Person: who's me lol

You: lol take a guess

Person: um jonathan?

You: -_- how did you know wtf

Person: lol idk. ? So wasap

You: carving some corn, YANNOWHATIMEAN

Person: wtf lol

You: what do you mean wtf ???

Person: why u carving corn haha


Person: ?

You: gurl bye!


I might make a part 2 if I feel like it>.

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