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I feel... nyeeehh... like im not being random enough lately. I mean, I am, I just mean I haven't been drinking as many redbulls ifyouknowwhatimean. I need energy. Well, not energy... but that weird randomness that comes upon me where I shout random things. Yeah okay, I need an energy boost. Okai. I think I know what to do. It'd be great if the reader does the same. Yehhh?


*goes into the kitchen and opens the fridge to get a mothershmucking redbull*

*gulp gulp gulp*

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I FEEL SO AWESOME. YEAHH. ASDFGHJKL <== sorry that was my hand sliding over the keyboard because I'm so darn jittery. This isn't bad, right? :D



Sorry, but I've really been craving that. No rly, go to Mcdonald's yourself and go get it.... it's amazing. You'll be OBSESSED MOFOS. I don't think that's good. I don't want you to relive supersize me. Noo. It's a no-no!

It makes me think about HOW UNHEALTHY I EAT. Yet I'm so thin it's unhealthy. And I fudgin' hate it. But I eat like 700lb fat person.... REMINDS MEEEE.

Dude. Dude. Dude. If you live near a Dollar Tree store, go to the refrigerated section and get the key lime pie single slice in the box thing. No rlly. Go now. Like literally. Now. GO.

My friends and I always go there on Fridays and get that specifically because its so gosh darn gewwdd. <33333. I sound like a fatass. Lol.

Dude. Dude. Let's become text buddies. I'm lonely:c dude dude. I'll annoy you like this everyday and complain about things. Dude. Dude. Dude. Dude. I love you.

Woah ! I got off track there! Whoops! (Sarcastically). (Jk I really wanna take you out on a date. Too soon?) Ahh fudge it. Meet me at the Olive Garden at 8 :P.

HEY. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THAT ONE SHOW. My Strange Addictions? Yeh?:D no?:c well if you haven't, the title kind of explains itself I suppose. I should be on that show because I'm addicted to something ... watching all those damn episodes. !! I mean, it's frickin disgusting and weird and shtuff but I keep on watching it 0.0 kind of like some of those few ... ahem... weird animes 0.o if you watch a lot of anime, you may have come across something like that...

Which reminds me I've been obsessed with anime lately. And by lately I mean the last couple years. Did I mention I like anime?cx

Hmm this is kinda puttin me on a roll! HMM what else am I obsessed with?

Ahem...BryanStars interviews....

Yess. Yes yes yes yeeeesss.

Okai, ima go. I have mashed potatoes burnin on my stove!! And by that I mean my virtual stove. I play a lot of iphone story games okay?? ?

Oh. Oh dayum. My mashed potatoes caught on fire. At first I thought somebody was barbequeing. Then I RAAAAN OUT, I didnt grab no shoes or nothin JESUS! I RAN for my life. Then the smoke got me, I got bronchitis! ! Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!

Please tell me you got that reference lol. . If not then you're probably really confused.


I still gotz my raaandom onnn. Okai I'm gonna go fo realz now. Okai.

"Peace out girl scout."

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