5 Day Diary Challenge

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Hey ppl! :D I haven't written nuffin in a while, due to freakin asthma. I had to go to the hospital and all, and everyone that knows me knows I have a phobia of needles. (And spideys..) Heck, I shed a tear even when I go get the flu shot. Yeah...  

Anyways! I thought I'd take a shot at the 5 day diary entry challenge! :D eff yeah! 

Anyways, basically what it is is where you check back each day and write about what's going on. Nothing has happened for the past week, except for the fact I was sick. So enjoy my nonsense and take a look into my life. 

That sounds kind've creepy. But pssht whateverz :p


So today I officially started the third book of THE HUNGER GAMES :D It's soo good. Don't you hate it when you finish a sequel of a book series, and then you don't have the next book to keep reading?? I had to wait like four days for it to come in the mail since I got it online for two bucks. Buut yeah, anybody else reading the series? :D Btw yesterday I had a dream of District 12. And I met Katniss. Weird. Wellz CIAO!


Today I spent the day on the interwebs :3 YouTube!! I've been catching up on ShaneDawsonTV's videos, and rewatched some DesandNate vids! Anybody else watch Desandnate? Destery and Nathan are funny as hell. O yeahh Nickasaur and AmberMccrackin1 tweeted me today! Made my day (: Today I also watched The Voice. I voted for Juliet Simms, so I was disappointed she lost. Did you see when they announced Jermaine won, they showed Andy Six's face in the crowd and he looked sad :[ and did you see what Christina Aguilara was wearing? Freaking diaper lol... but they all did good. I think Juliet has a lot ahead of her, as well as Chris, and the others. Okai gonna go Instagramming. Bai.


Today I went to the hospital and they drew hella blood from me :[ As I said earlier, I have a needle phobia. But yeah, the Spring season is a bitch, air quality-wise. Oh yeah today I used a ghost detector app, and that thing is really freaking me out. It said 'cookies ' on the screen, and coincidentally my mom was baking cookies at the moment. Then my dog started randomly running around growling and barking, and I asked the spirit to leave, and on the screen it said 'no.' 

I'm scared now...


Have you ever gotten a piercing other than normal lobes? I got my fourth cartilage done today and it hurts like hell. I really should've gotten it done with a needle, but I was impatient so I got it done with a gun...stupid I know. Anyways, today I just did nothing. I browsed through memes, smosh.com, and watched 'Money from Strangers.' Have you seen that show yet? It's hilarious, but for some reason it makes me feel nervous when the public reacts. Lol idk why, I just feel embarrassed for the character, but I'm laughing at the same time...yeah. I didn't go to school today, following doctor's orders. But today I painted my nails Gir themed!!!:D 



Finally, the end of the week. It's midnight right now...so that counts as the next day riight ? :)Today I'm planning on going to the movies with my little brother, but I don't know what to see. 

Today I read more of The Hunger Games, and it's so good...I think I've said that before already lol. Did you guys hear about Kevin Jonas and his wife? They're gonna have a reality show on E! soon. Interesting... 

Today I'm craving Red Lobster or something sea food. Then watching something comforting like a classic Disney movie for some reason. Summer is almost here, just a few more weeks to go! SUMMER, Y U TAKE SO LONG? 

lol. Currently blasting Skrillex in my room. My mom will be pissed haha. Well nothing else is going on right now, so bye guise, see you in the next chappie :3 May the force be with you.

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