Pet Peeves!!!! >:O

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Hey you! PSST yeah you! ...Hi. c:

Okay so today is all about pet peeves. This is basically a long list of things that piss me off.

I'm doing the same thing where I'm fanning anyone who comments, as well as for the upcoming chapters. If you have anymore ideas, leave 'em in le comments also, and you might quite possibly get a chapter dedicated to you :O

Alright so anyways, time for the 'piss off' list.

1)Getting your hands sticky from jelly, syrup, or other things

2)"I only lied, because I didn't want to hurt you."

3)When your foot or arm goes to sleep and it won't wake up

4)Being interrupted.

5)When strangers call you 'Hon', 'Sweetie' or 'Darlin'

6) When someone texts back "Ok" or just "k" and expects you to continue the conversation

7)Discovering an awesome band right before they break up

8)Whenever anyone says "Ya, know what I'm sayin"..

9)Using speaker phones in public areas

10)When ice cream drips out of the bottom of a sugar cone. :(

11)Someone standing over my shoulder reading the computer screen.

12)People who don't cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing.

13)Chasing after a ping pong ball.

14)When something I've been into for a long time becomes popular.

15)People that don't list prices on websites, stores, and infomercials.

16)People who talk, whistle or sing to themselves at work.

17)Saying "Let there be light" every time any light switch is flipped on.

18)Ignorant people.

19)The "yes but" people.

20)People who use the word "gay" to mean "lame".

21)When people say 'supposebly' instead of 'supposedly'.

22)Caps Lock in text or in email, when PEOPLE SHOUT.

23)Rappers who thank God at awards cermonies.

24)People say "carmel" instead of "caramel". Is it really that hard to pronounce that extra letter?

25)People who drive past me on a crosswalk.

26)Websites with horizontal scrolling.

27)People who refuse to expand their musical horizons.

28)Sitting in the movies and hearing someone eating popcorn.

29)People who talk about their favorite sports team and say "WE" like they are a part of the team.

30)People who stop at the top or bottom of an escalator, and you sort of panic and don't know if you should go backwards so you don't crash into them.

40)When you bend over to pick something up and miss the object multiple times, and the final attempt is a violent grab as if to say it was the object's fault.

41)People who leave their pets in their hot cars in the summer.

42)Parents who have their children on leashes.

43)PeOpLe WhO tYpE LiKe ThIs.

44)Not letting things go the first time someone says stop.

45)Dirty restaurant bathrooms. It makes me wonder how clean the kitchen is.

46)Air Guitar. Don’t do it. You look like a dork.

47)Things sticking out of drawers

48)People who write on dirty car windshields

49)Sneezing in your hand and shaking someone's hand afterward.

50)Kids with baggy pants hangin below their ass.

51)When people bite their nails in the dead of silence and you hear them eating it.

52)Having to explain the same thing more than once.

53)People who constantly sniffle.

54)When someone tries to talk to you when you have headphones on.

55)Fake laughter.

56)People who let dogs that jump up on everyone loose in public.

57)People who take forever to order food while I'm in line.

58)People who blame anything but themselves for THEIR failure.

59)People who drink directly out of the milk/orange juice containter.

60)When a person makes a sucking noise with a straw when the cup becomes almost empty.

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