Mini Chappie: How To Annoy Your Waiter xDD

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I'm on a little roll here xD And so here continues the "how to annoy" series!


Eight hour lunch; two dollar tip. 
Ask, "Excuse me, are you a really bad singer, or a really bad actor?"
After he describes each special, you shout, "Stinks!"
Whenever he walks by, cough and mutter, "Minimum wage."
Insist that, before ordering, you be allowed to touch the London broil.
Tie tablecloth around neck and say, "You wouldn't charge Superman for dinner, would you?"
Every time you eat or drink, cough really hard.
Eat the check.

The BIG Book of RANDOMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ