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Hi peoples! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Ya know, summer ._.

Okay so I thought I could do a little fill in on what ive been up to :) (yeah dont worry, the random awesomeness hasn't come to an end yet.)

Think of this chappie as a rip from my diary (even though I don't have one). Its a little different from my other chapters, I know, but I figured at least someone would get a kick outta it. Just try to imagine this all in gour head, and get away from your own life for a bit. Come follow me on my crazy journey :3


(Written on June 25, 2012)

Ok hey guiize (: I'm off to venture through Anaheim, the home of the disneyland resort. No, not DISNEYWORLD. Disneyland.

I'm sitting in the very back of my moms rental truck. There are 3 rows, and I get my row all to myself!! >:D

Its like 9am or some shizz...yeah I don't normally wake up this early during the summer, but ya know. My mom and aunt are currently stuffing the remaining luggage into the trunk, and well, I'm super excited.

~a minute or two later~

Okay, so EVERYONE is finally in their seats, and my mom just started the car. We are heading out to exit the tiny parking lot area, off onto the city streets.

~an hour later~

I have right now decided to check my fave youtubers channels, even though my battery level is running super low xP I have discovered SHANE DAWSON AND CAPNDESDES have uploaded, yeayyy. Lol, it kept me occupied for like 10 mins. BUT OH GOD THERES A BUG CRAWLING ON THE HEADREST IN FRONT OF ME. DIE BITCH.

~4 hrs later~

Bored as hell. Bored. As hell.

I ended up taking like a 3 hr nap so thank God I didn't have to just sit through all that. Have you ever noticed that you tend to fall asleep faster when riding in the car?

~1 hr later~

We stopped in this beautiful rest stop. It seems to be in the middle of a desert - farmy area...? Its weird though. Its like a beautifully restored park in the middle of no where, and its hot as FUCK. excuse my language. The grass is a vibrant green here, and there are tons of butterflies. I saw a bird that looked like tweety bird, and the red one from the movie Rio lol. There are more than 10 families here out here for a stop, some even having picnics. This place is so nice, if only it were cooler.

~an hour or 2 later~

We've arrived in the amazing city of ANAHEIM! I freaking love this place, because there are soo many things to do. Sure, its nice back in San Francisco, my hometown, but I really love this too. Its really hot, but not as hot as in the 'desert.'

~10 mins later~

We've checked into a cool little suite for the family, connected to a second room for us. I'm listening to city of lions right now, you should check 'em out (: ive unpacked and shfuff, but I'm soo exhausted. Maybe I'll take a little swim in the pool real quick. I haven't swam since last year's vacation :O. I'm horrible at swimming. Not that horrible though, I just sorta suck...

I know how to not drown and die, but u know.

~an hour or 2 later~

So yeah, I ended up swimming. My little brother almost drowned me, but its cool. :|

~idk how much later its been now, but its like 1am now~

Gaahhh I'm sooo damn tired, but I cant sleep. I'm a hygienic freak. Well not that bad, but things bother me when its an issue like that. Have you ever heard of bed bugs? If you don't know, they're real. They suck your blood, latch on to you and your luggage, and infest your home. They're most commonly found in hotels. almost every hotel in Anaheim has been reported to have bed bugs. Which ones still have them? No one knows til someone reports it again.

I shouldn't watch animal planet anymore.

But yeah, that's why ima sleep with my bedside lamp on :/ okie, g'nights.

~rhe next morning~

So yeah, I got up about an hour ago, and just finished getting ready. Today is disneyland Day!!!! Woot!

I just slathered on a ton of sunblock, I hate tanning a lot. Welp, today is fun day! -runs out the door-

~4 hrs later~

I'm standing in line at the haunted mansion, and there's this cute butterfly that lands on each persons head, moving on to everyone. Its so cute! Haha, its certainly entertaining everyone in the line. (Id say there's probably way more than 30 people here) and EVERYONE is mesmorized by it, lol.

~idk how many hrs later. Its 1am though~


So much walking today, but I definitely had an amazing and magical time. Sadly I only got a one day pass, but the rest of the week is vacay week so ima do other stuff. Besides, I think ive already went on all the good ones already. Surprisingly, a lot of the lines somehow moved a bit faster than I thought they would.

I'm feeling a little homesick right now. I dunno, but I miss my dog and cat, who are in the kennel. I know they hate it, but we have no other choice. :( well I guess that's all for now, so, good night guys :)

~the next day, around sunset~

Today was pretty nice. We went to the garden walk, and I went and got a hand treatment at that handmade cosmetics store. And then I bought some chocolate from rocky mtn chocolate factory. Munching on it right now, mhmmm.

~the next day, around 4pm~

So my family thought it'd be nice to go to dennys ( even though I insisted we go to ihop!!)

So this lady is leading us to the back-ish part to our table. Cant wait to eat some yummeh foodie.

~idk, an hour or less later...?~

YUM. now dat was yummy. The Dennys where I live is a little ghetto (as in mainly the customer service ) so I thought this one was nice. I got some tilapia with cheesy mashed potatoes yummy :3 I gotz a salad too, with dressing on the side lol. And yummy iced tea <3 ahh, nice relaxing family day. Vacations really do bring families together. <3

~5 hrs later~

Even though its only 9, I thought id k/o right now. This is soo not me, but I'm tired so f it. Well I cant think of much to say since I'm zoning out soo. K night.

~2 days later~

Okie soo... I dunno what time it is, but I'm chilling poolside right now, waiting for the rest of the family to come out. We were gonna go down to hollywood and maybe take some pics. I went there last year, and took a pic with the fake Michael Jackson. Yeah, RLLY.

I Just opened a new window on my phone, and ima track down where some of the Hollywood star thingies are. Cant wait to get some souvenirs!!

~the next day~

Sadly its time to leave :( it wasn't the most amazing vacation (I think that one is coming up in November ..)

But it was nice to get away :) its around sunset, and we're on the way back.

Back throughout the scenic route. Oh hey that rhymed! !!! Lol. The drive back always seems to fly by, doesn't it? Well, thanx for reading (: I cant believe I actually kept up with more than 3 updates lolol. So now u know where ive disappeared to. 1-2 more chapters to come within the week!! Xoxo :}

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