2012- The End of the World???

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WARNING: Okay so this really isn't a warning. Hold on, let me make one up. One sec.....Okay I think I got one. If you get into any legal trouble while trying to attempt any of the things on this list, I am not liable for anything.

As you may know, we could potentially die this year. Yes. You. But think about it. If you knew you only had a small amount of time to live, wouldn't you want to go and do the shtuff you've never been able to do before?? Of course we might not die, but hey, who knows? Speaking of accomplishing all of your life's strange desires, that brings me to le bucket list. Yeah, so a bucket list is just a list of things you want to do before you die. In fact, I created one that you might want to take into consideration into adding to your own.

But on another note, this 2012 hype is kind of getting annoying especially on social networking sites. My facebook and twitter are constantly being filled with unnecessary spam with stuff like:

"*LIKE* if you believe the world is going to end in 2012."

Yeah, I seriously copy and pasted that from my faceboook home page -_-

But whatever, there's still the possibility and apparently some science behind it, so just in case the world actually does end on Dec.21.2012, I have compiled a list of things I would like to do before that happens, or a "bucket list" if you prefer. CHEETOS! Sorry, that was random. But you were warned, this is the book of random. Anyways, here's the list:


1) Swim. In a fountain.

2) Blow up the school (When no ones in it! Jeez...)

3) Hallucinate

4) Tell my crush I like him

5) Food Fight! =D

6) Slap everyone.

7) Write a letter full of made up things of how our genertion was like, so that if people from the future ever find it, they'll think we were all baddasses and they'll think their life sucks compared to ours. Well the letter might die too but who knows.

8) Treat the world like Grand Theft Auto. If you play that, you know what I mean ^_^ If not, video to the side of how much of a corrupt world it is all because of the main character you play as.

9) Make a swing out of yarn or other miscellaneous objects and attempt to swing on it.

10) Glue quarters to a street in the crosswalk and photograph people who pick them up.

11) Hijack a local radio station and tell the audience that you are kidnapping the DJ until you gives you the concert tickets.

12) Climb a mountain and throw a bucket of glitter in the air.

13) Have a silly conversation with strangers on the street just to irritate them. Alternatively, wave wildly to random people and give them awkward compliments.

14) Go to a school dance and request an extremely inapropriate song to the DJ, preferably "Well Suck Me" by BOTDF and watch everyone's reactions.

15) Cuss out the principle about why the school is a suckish hell hole.

16) Dye my hair ranbow ! :D

17) Play ding dong ditch at a hotel.

And so on. Yeah, I dunno. Just my opinion. But even if the world does end, I wonder where we'll go? Just float up in space somewhere? Would we die automatically? Who knows. What would happen to the ocean? Would that also just- never mind, I think I'm losing it!


UPDATE AS OF 12/22/12: the world didn't end and I didn't do any of these.

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