*Stresses Out* ==> Tuesday Rant? •_•

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Haiiiiii mai peoplesssss <333

*makes awkward heart with hands*

Sooo. Well then.

I decided that this here chapter is going to be aboouuut just me randomly rambling and shtuff.

Well more specifically ranting.

FIRST OF ALL, don't you just hate it when ur walkin' in the hall, trying to get to the next class and you're really hoping you don't get late, and then the people in front of you just STOP! And they're just talking to their friends like they have no where to go. I swear ive almost crashed into people at least 5 times today. And its only Tuesday. Fml.

I guess that was just pissing me off today.

Another thing that pisses me off is when people are proud of their ignorance. FOR EXAMPLEEE, when you go on youtube videos and some people are all ignorant in the comments, I feel like I don't even wanna live on this planet anymore.

For example, the band Black Veil Brides.

Like when people are all like "emo" or "faggots" to a band that really is truly inspirational not only by their looks, but more importantly their lyrics and sound and how it connects with and helps people get through things in a painful point in their lives, I mean, how the fuck can you put that down.

and most of the time, fans will reply to those bastards.

then the dumbasses - they'll reply back being all redneck-sounding and douchy, no matter how many times someone tries to fill a little knowlage in their closed minds by still being kind. And then theyre proud that they can put everyone down for no God damn reason because they refuse to think and join into reality. Its fine to have your own opinion, but putting people down is no way to share it. Their stubborn minds refuse to take in what's real. There's no reason to not want to know about the world around you.

That, my friend, is what we call assholes.

Another thing that really pisses me off is when people STATE they're "emo" or "scene."

If you really are, don't place yourself into a certain category. Be you. Sure, dress as emo as you want, it doesnt bother me. I think its kinda cute. but it makes me wanna punch people when they go around saying what they are.

I mean, in the words of Andy Biersack lol.

I also hate it when you're working on a worksheet or something in class, and sometimes you work a little ahead and do the other problems, but maybe leave one that you aren't sure about.

And then your name gets called to do that problem. Then the teacher looks at you like, "It looks like you weren't paying attention during the lesson," or something like that. Am I the only one that this happens to?!?!?

Okay, one more little rant!XD

I hate it when you know people are lying to your face.

Who the fuck you think you're fooling??



Haha so there! I just have been wanting to do a chapter where it isn't TOO "listy " if you know what I mean lol. Just a little something to read for today, haha :3


I'll love you forever if you do.

And I'll give you my cat.

Mkay maybe not, but how does a squirrel from the park sound??

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