More Randoms - IN A STORE!

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  • Dedicated to Barack Obama

I know a lot of people like these random things to do chapters so here's another quick one while I work on a quotes chapter for tomorrow or something (: ENJOY PPLS!!!11

Go to stores and pay for everything in pennies.

At a store with a bunch of friends, all have a spasm at the same time near each other and don't move.

Put a $50 price tag on your face and sit on the conveyor belt in a store.

Go to the ice cream store and ask for a sample of every flavor, than leave.

Go into a candy store and start singing "Candy Shop" by 50 cent.

Go in a glass window display at a department store and tand perfectly still.

Go to a furniture store. Climb into a wardrobe and shut the door. Climb out and say "I was in Narnia."

Go to a store and ask to join their army. I joined the Walmart army btw.

Stare into a stores window, point at a person then lick the glass.

Run up to a random crowd in a crowded store and scream "THIS IS SPARTA"!!

Go to a mattress store and jump on all the beds.

Scream "HEY UGLY" at astore and all the people that are full of theselves won't turn around.

Superglue a fake iphone to the ground outside the apple store and watch the mayhem unfold...

Start doing the charlie brown in a store and when someone asks whats wrong you say I never liked you.

Jump up and down in the store screaming when I grow up I wanna be a potato.

Go to the pet store in a animal costume.

Go to a pet store and say to an employee "I'm looking for Nemo".

Go to a pet store and ask if they have llamas in stock.

Follow someone around in a store,spray everything they touch with disinfectant spray!

Buy a Hershey bar and scream in the store I FOUND THE GOLDEN TICKET!!

Go to a drugstore and see if they have pot.

Lay on a bed that's in a store, and fall asleep on it.

Go to a pet store and ask where the dinosaur eggs are.

Point to a washing machine in an appliance store, and say "WHAT IS THIS THING!" to a salesperson

Walk up and down the produce aisle in a store and lecture the vegetables on how to gain world domination.

Scream at a guy with a long beard at a store saying I thought you were dead dumbledore.

Go to the grocery store find some food and put it in a random person's cart and walk away.

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