{ 5 Fears }

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Hallo gaize. >.<

So as you can see, this chapter is about my fears :c

I actually hadn't realized I had this many until I actually made myself sit and come up with them yesterday. Here they are, and their explanations:


1) I have a gigantic fear of spiders.

Okay, here's the story. When I was 4 or 5, I was picking flowers in the park. I picked a pretty red rose and kept walking. Somehow, under the flower, apparently there was a spider. A big spider. Like those kinds that are like as big as a quarter and are black and fuzzy. It came down in its little web from under the flower and landed on my hand. I screamed like I never did before, and ran , dusting myself, and looking like a maniac. That was the day I was traumatized.

2) I'm scared of the paranormal.

The paranormal. As in ghosts, demons, and whatnot. Some of you might not believe in that stuff, and maybe I'm just paranoid, but some weird stuff has happened to me that I can't ever explain. One time, when I was around 10, i saw a magazine fly across the room in a hotel.

One time I was with my mom in the car and we were driving by a cemetery. We came to a stop at an old stop light, and a in front of that was an abandoned railroad crossing that many people had been killed by, considering all the flowers and crosses laid right next to the rails. All of a sudden, my moms radio turned on, mimicking the sound of the railroad crossing thing. But as I said, the railroad was no longer used, yet it came from my moms car speakers when it was off. We BOTH heard someone whisper, "no" over the blaring.

Once, I was with a friend and we were at a relatives house. We kept having really weird feelings. It started to get cold so we closed the window. We grabbed our jackets to go. When we turned around it was open again.

My dog used to bark at the wall, and I would sometimes hear footsteps outside my door at 2am, but I only live with my mom and I could hear her snoring in the next room....

And yeah, a lot of weird stuff has happened to me. Plus I watch those ghost shows... which freaks me out a little bit more. Lol, I dunno. You can explain it all however you want, but that's fricken impossible. Good thing I live in a new house now and nothing weird happens anymore....

3) I'm afraid of heights.

I'm not a freak about the heights thing, but I usually get pretty damn scared whenever I'm up regally high. Sometimes I get used to it, and sometimes I feel like passing out. Its cool though lol.

4) I have this weird fear of needles.

Yep. But it depends. I'm usually only scared of medical needles. ? Yet when it comes to piercings, I'm all for it. Hm, interesting right?

For some reason, piercings always seem to hurt less than, lets say, a flu shot. I know, I'm weird like that.

Whenever I get a shot or have to draw blood, etc, there's always that moment where I shed a tear or a shiver of fear goes down my spine. I've been like that since I was little. But when I was 4, I got my ears pierced for the first time. There were no tears, there were no shudders. Just a brave smile of victory. Lol.

I'm an odd one.

5) I have a fear of getting abducted.

Obviously no one would want to be abducted, guys. Hopefully. But yeah, whenever my mom left me in the car to run into the store to get something, everyone outside automatically becomes a "rapist." Lol. But really though, I'm always hesitant to bring my brothers trick or treating because of all the weirdos out there.

One of the reasons I'm a bit anti social in real life? Hmm

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