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So, haii guys ^-^

This chapter is about why I wish I never got older. :{ Why? During your childhood, everyday is an ADVENTURE!

I've also noticed that as I got older, I lost a bit of that creativity. I dunno about you, but I think I would probably be able to conjure up the most interesting epicness of a fictional story than these days, where everything has to be taken too seriously.

I mean, when I was a kid, I would be so God damn artsy. I remember one time I created a measuring tape that was in the shape and form of a giraffe as you stretched it out. Seriously.

And yeah, we've all had that time in our lives where we pretended to camp out in a home-made blanket tent inside the house. Or was that just me....????? I hope not lol.

As I got older, this is not the shit I expected. Here's a list of more reasons why I would give anything to go back in time.


1) Nobody cares about how you look. Not even yourself. Face it, these days you spend way too much time obsessing about the trends or what's hot and what's not.

2) School was ridiculously awesome compared to lets say, middle school or highschool. Teachers were nicer, all the kids weren't grouped together in cliques, and you get PLAY TIME!!! And a nap!!??? Wtf. If anyone deserves a nap, its the older kids who actually do way more work than guessing which shape is the triangle.

3) "you get to shit your pants whenever you want." - Destery Moore (in the yt video entitled "little kids") xD

4) when you were younger, you have to admit it. Tv seemed better than the new crap they play on Disney.

5) You had a higher metabolism when you were younger. Therefore you could eat more and not gain as much.

6) All you needed was a new toy to brighten your whole world up. Too bad that doesn't apply to life anymore as much as it used to....:[

7) Again, kids have a bigger imagination.

I remember always pretending I was either an elf or ghost and befriending my stuffed animals. At some point I remember my mom buying a do it yourself spray tattoo machine for kids and I was inking tribal elf markings and quotes I created onto my arms, ankles, and along my collar bone., imprinting myself as a higher ranking of the elfish race.

8) My childhood mind had not been tainted by the things in my mind today. Like cuss words, shane dawson videos, and whatnot lol. I dunno about you, but I hadn't developed a realistic mindset about TRUE REALITY by the time I was 11 or 12 or so.

9) the world seemed magical, mysterious, and way more hopeful back then. Ya know, when you believed in Santa Claus Or the tooth fairy, etc. Now I know about the dark, horrible sides the earth has to offer. :(

10) I miss having baby - soft skin without a SINGLE blemish anywhere on my face. Now I have to pay way more attention to my skin :{

11) I miss not giving a damn.

12) my parents wouldn't bug me about grades, bad influences, how I look, the music I listen to (bvb aw chyeeah), oh , and money in general.

13) everything is done for you. You got all the attention you wanted, and hanging out with your little friends/siblings/cousins/etc was probably better than these days.

14) personally for me, I was more outgoing. I wish I could be as carefree and open with other people as before :/

15) you had no love life and didn't care about one. Drama freeeeeee.

16) I was optimistic back then. Now I'm personally on the downside now...

17) trick or treating!!!

Sure, you might still trick or treat now with friends or a younger sibbling, etc, but it eventually comes to a point where you're turned away or given weird looks. I, personally easily get away it by being short and not choosing slutty costumes - oh and by bringing my 5 and 8 year old brothers along. But I get weird looks sometimes.... But really, its rare to come across free things in this world, so what's so wrong about your only chance to treat yourself?

18) All of the things you made as a kid were all highly valued as keepsakes. Now, a lot of the things you make aren't as special. :(

19) rugrats, rocket power, hey Arnold, powerpuff girls, invader zim. I freaking miss those shows! !!!!!!!!

20) you could say anything you wanted before and put it in any way you wanted without it becoming a "that's what she said" moment.

21) RECESS!!!!!!


Well, thats all i could think of at the moment :/ Anymore ideas?? :)

Lol and btw, on a serious note, I really wanted to thank most of you guys for not giving up on this book even though ive been slacking off a bit... :c

Thanks for reading guys, more chapters to come ^-^

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