THE BEST Things to Do With Your Free Time

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1) Walk up to a small child that resembles you, and tell them that you are them from the future.

2) Point at someone and shout "Chuck Norris?!" Run and pretend to trip. Crawl away slowly.

3) Buy a hamburger and give it to a homeless person.

4) Call someone to tell them you can't talk right now.

5) Put a Walkie-Talkie in a gnome and shout at people when they walk by.

6) Visit a child with cancer and make their day better.

7) Fill water ballons with soap and water and wash your car.

8) Go to McDonalds and ask for a happy meal with extra happy.

9) Actually do the 2 next random things you see after this.

10) Put a dora doll in the middle of Walmart.When someone tries to pick it up yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING".

11) Give your left over food from a resturant to a homeless person that doesn't have anything to eat.

12) Melt Starbursts in microwave, smush several together, freeze them on a stick like a popsicle, and enjoy!

13) Write your number on a helium balloon and set it free. See if anyone calls you.

14) I double-dog dare you to do the next thing this chapter says for you to do.

15) Put up a flyer with your phone number on it in a place popular with kids your age. Strike up a conversation with whoever calls.

16) ACTUALLY do the next 3 things that it tells you to do.

17) Super glue a quarter to the floor and see how many people try to pick it up.

18) Draw disturbing faces on all the eggs in the fridge, make them look scared!

19) Actually do the next thing! No backing out no matter what it says!

20) Draw pictures in total darkness and see how they turn out.

21) Give someone a spontaneous hug today.

22) Put a letter in the post box addressed to "Mr. Postman" thanking him for all his hard work.

23) Put blue gatorade in a bottle of windex (fully cleaned, mind you) and drink it in public.

24) Promise to do the next one NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! DO IT!

25) With a serious face, order a diet water whenever you go out to eat.

26) Find a fruit and an air pump. Stick the pump in the fruit and pump it till it EXPLODES!

27) Hide a walkie talkie in your tree and scream when people walk by.

28) Do the next thing on here 4 times.

29) Connect a whole bunch of straws together, then drink a soda from across the room.

30) Get an audio recorder and leave it hidden somewhere for a day.

31) Say "only on tuesdays" to every question someone asks you. .

32) Fill 100 water balloons and put them all on a trampoline see how wet you get.

33) In winter put snowballs in your freezer, then in summer throw them at people who are sunbathing.

34) Get caught passing a note that says the teacher is great! See what happens.

35) Put a slinky on an escalator. Slinky+Escalator=Infinate Fun!

36) Save a life.

37) Dare someone to do the next 5 random things on this site.

38) Go into the middle of a crowd and call out a random name and see who replies.

39) Stand in the middle of a crowded place and point up. Everyone will look.

40) At 11:12 everyday randomly start laughing and then at 11:13 stop and act like nothing happened.

41) Buy a pair of XXXL sweatpants and try to see how many people you can fit into them.

42) When a telemarketer calls you, try to sell THEM something!!

43) Pet a squirrel. Yeah, I just said that. Go to the park. Right now. Go pet a squirrel.

44) Empty out a stapler. then go up to someone and fake staple their the result!

45) Look at see through glass and when someone is on the other side shout "OH MY GOD, I'M HIDEOUS!"

46) Put plastic wrap on a doorway and wait for people to walk into it.

47) In the middle of a serious conversation, announce what color your toothbrush is.

48) Go up to a stranger with a friend and ask what year it is, then shout THE TIME MACHINE WORKED!

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