16 AWESOME Ways to Waste Money if you were Rich :D

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Hello guys, once again I present to you another chapter of the book of random! Earlier I had come to a conclusion. I won't stop adding chapters to this EVER!

OK, well maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, cuz, you know... I'll die eventually ...

But what I meant was I'll continue this book for as long as I can! (Hopefully).

Basically it's just because I realized a lot of people like this book so yeah :}

ANYWAYS, this chapter is about the most ridiculous ways to blow your money if you were rich. I dunno, but if I were a zillionaire I would definitely do one of these. :D Keep these in mind if you end up succeeding financially in your life.


16 ways to waste your money on ridiculous things if you were rich


1) I would buy out an entire concert, and the artist will come out on stage and see me sitting there all like: 8}

2) I'd build 'Neverland' in my backyard like Michael Jackson.

3) I'd hire 10 bodyguard - ninjas and walk around the city with my swag on.

4) Fill up my entire house waist-deep with twinkies.

5) I would renovate my bedroom. The walls would be made of an aquarium with fishies swimming around, and the ground would be kinda like a bouncy castle's.

6) Adopt fifty cats. Really, it's a win win for everyone! All I need is a maid or someone to look after them when I cant =D

7) Buy all of the pillows that you can find and pile them up in a parking lot. Put a trampoline next to it, and then offer to let people jump onto the pile of pillows. Just be sure not to lose anyone in there.

8) Buy a jetpack. Come on, you know you want one.

9) First, I would buy a city. Then I'd build a gigantic black dome over it. The inside would be almost pitch black. I'd turn it into the ultimate Black Ops laser tag city where everyone would be running around the streets. Then in small restaurants in that city, I'd sell glow in the dark ice cream. I'd also build a rollercoaster somewhere in that city. OH YOU KNOW YOU WANNA GO THERE!

10) Build a UFO and make it fly really low over cities and watch everyone freak out.

11) if you've ever watched that episode in spongebob where they were selling candy bars door to door, you'd remember the part in the beginning when they accidentally got squidward's mail about rich people. It showed a guy who had a pool inside his pool. AWW YEAH!

12) I would go skydiving everyday and make music videos out of it for Youtube.

13) I'd build that huge library in Beauty and the Beast that the beast gave to Belle.

14) I would buy millions of presents and make my workers dress as elves. On Christmas, they would deliver the gifts to all the children as well as adults, confusing everyone about their childhood.

15) I would buy hundreds of fireworks and have a big show every night.

16) End world hunger


Ok so I'm pretty sure I left out a bunch of epic things on the list. LEAVE YOUR IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS! I'll randomly fan one of the commenters if I haven't followed you yet (: thx for reading!

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