RANDOM Things to do at a Sleepover !

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Haha, I'm having a sleepover and decided to make a chapter about this. It's seperated into 2 lists - a totally random one and a serious one for girly sleepovers haha. I'm not such a girly girl myself (I listen to metal and play videogames) but sometimes they're just really fun idk.

But hey, it's summertime and time for sleepovers and shtuff so here we go c:

~*~* 100 Random Things to do at a Sleepover *~*~

1.Go to walmart and buy avacados, tomatos, bell peppers, and lemon juice at midnight then go make some at home :D
2.Make cookies!
3.find a for sale sign in your neiborhood and put it on a fancy house then in the morning walk up and ask how much it is (watchthem blush and squirm!)
4.When someone falls asleep put a scary sticky note on their head then go into the bathroom and scream (not loud enough for your parents to hear!) and then wait 5 minutes or until they are scared, then jump out and scare them!
5.Play manhunt with your hot neibors
6.Camp out and hire dad to pretend he is a bear and scare your friend
7.sing a happy song!
8. give your friend a facial of brown sugar, eggs, ketchup, and use pickles for eyes!
9.Make sandwiches and eat them in the attic
10.hide'n'seek! LOL
11.strap flashlights onto hats and play hide'n'seek in the DARK
12.(ONLY IF YOU HAVE CARPETED STAIRS) matress surfing!
14.Have a fake fight
15:if it rains, put on bathing suits and take pics outside!
16:act like runway models for the ENTIRE night
17.invent homemade dog food
18.Go to a jewlery store and take an hour choosing a perfect bracelet with a salesperson,then during checkout say you don't want it anymore
19.Make pasta'n'sauce YAY
20.have an all nighter!
21.Eat frickles with your cheweenie
22.barf pink froth
23.Make a party clip like from fred the movie
24.paint your turtle's shell pink
25.design a taco that can DESTROY THE WORLD
26.sew a snowsuit for your chiuauaua
27. eat a rare gelitanous blob from the back of your fridge
28.cut down a shrub
29.eat berries
30. Go racoon searching
32. while your friend is in the bathroom, sit in the fireplace and jump out when they return
33. Make breakfast (mac'n'cheese and cokacola)
34.Jump in a dumpster
35. stare at your friend silently for as long as you can
36.Paint your dogs toenails
37.frolic with your cat in the living room
38.Try random things on popcorn and discover a topping that actually tastes good
39.make oatmeal
40.Go scream at squirrels before bed

~*~* Girlier Things to do at a Sleepover *~*~

1. Play games such as would you rather or tr

2. Have your friend duck tape your wrists, ankles, and mouth and try to escape and vis versa.

3.Make a pizza. It can be a normal pizza with your favorite toppings or you can try for a dessert pizza with fudge instead of sauce and your favorite candies as your toppings.

3. Get a helium balloon and have at it singing the lyrics to your favorite songs or a message to your friends whatever you do you should make a video out of it cause they're always funny to look back on later.

4.Turn off all of the lights with pure silence and watch a scary movie (especially exciting when no one else is home!)

5. Take lots of pictures cute ones, goofy ones, and super obnoxious ones!

6. Have a marker fight and go crazy on each other making lines, words, pictures(preferably washable markers, kind of common sense haha!)

7. Write fan mail to celebrities...make it really weird and funny!

8. Prank call your friends or public places such as pizza delivery places or any other random public place in the yellow pages.

9. Dance like maniacs!

10. Ride your bikes and/or walk over to a friends house just to say hi and make their night!

11. Write letters to your friends and mail them!

12. Do each others make up, hair, and nails. This would then be a good time to take your pictures!

13. Make a video for your friends of you guys just being you! Or really make a video with a story behind it...no matter what show your sense of humor!

14. Play any games like twister...fun and exciting!

15. Blow up a balloon just to hit back and forth, be sure for it not to hit the ground.

16. Watch funny YouTube videos.

17. Play outside. If its windy fly a kite for crying out loud its fun and they're cheap if you don't have one. You can blow bubbles while your friend attempts to pop them all. You can play with sidewalk chalk!

18.You can doodle pictures for your friends. You can make signs for each others rooms!

19. You can read some FMLs on fmylife.com. Very funny!

20. You can get a couple of cans of whipped cream for the night just to snack on!

21. You can get some facial creams from a store and do facials!

22. Talk in accents. Multiple ones and switch off every here and there.

23. Bake something. Anything! Make cookies, brownies, or even a cake just don't forget to decorate it and then devour it!

24.Draw faces on your fingers and have a conversation.

25. If you're crushing on a guy call him!

26.Make a funny rap and record it or also make it into a music video!

27. Have a little fire going and just chill out and talk. Make some smores.

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