Grab a Pencil, My Children! <3

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In a writing mood? GOOD! Go write! Need ideas? Here ya go! :D

Write the word 'cheese' at random intervals in your homework; see if your teacher notices.

Write "life" on a shirt and hand out lemons to people on a corner.

Write X BURIED treasure on random spots of all of someone's road maps.

When your teacher tells you to write your name on a handout, write 'Your Name'.

Write "Free Gumballs" on a piece of paper, and tape it to a gumball machine, and watch.

Get piece of paper, write turn over on both sides and give to someone dumb.

Write a dictionary where all of the definitions say, "something awsome".

Write an email to someone saying: I LiKe YoUr HaiR sO cAn YoU cOmE oVeR sO I CaN sNiFf It?

Write a song that doesn't make sense and tell someone it's a new hit song.

Write your number on a helium balloon and set it free. See if anyone calls you.

Bet someone five bucks you can write "with your left elbow"!

When in school write a random story then put the name as the person next to you, then turn it in.

Draw a picture of something with the hand you don't write with.

Write a story, continuing on from one of your favourite books.

Write life on your name tag and hand lemons out at a self-help meeting.

Write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on all of someone's roadmaps.

Call/write a letter to someone in the phone directory and tell them you're pregnant with their baby.

Write me a didgeridoo concerto in E-flat minor. Go.

Write a love letter written in completely different handwriting and write someone you hates name on it.

Go outside in public and find a box and on the front write for sale and sit in the box.

Write Life on a name tag wear it to the mall and hand out lemons.

Write on a post-it note free hugs and in the corner write $5 no refunds.

Write a song about how bored you are.

Write welcome to narnia on a random bathroom stall door in a public restroom.

Write a story with the ending: "Everybody dies. The end." and send it to publishers.

Write a song about a Mexican banana.

Write a note saying "sorry about the damage on your car" and put it on a random car.

Write a story that contains the following words: jellyfish, sun, jake, knight Ryan, pool, mount doom.

Go onto google translate and write in: que perder el tiempo haciendo esto.

Write absurdly fake love notes and slip them into people's lockers.

In school write and essay about why you would win the hunger games.

Write 101 clever ways to kill Justin Bieber and turn it in for extra credit.

During the middle of a test write in a random part of the paper, THIS IS SPARTA!!

On a folded paper write DO NOT OPEN on front READ BACK inside and IDIOT on back, tape to something.

Think of the person you hate the most and write there number at the mall or in other public places.

Write "turn over" on both sides of a paper and hand it to someone really stupid.

Write songs about everything in your fridge then sing them to your siblings.

Suggest to your English teacher that maybe the writer actually just meant that it was raining.

Go to wal-mart and write "sorry for the damage" on a sticky note and put them on peoples cars.

Write a story about your imaginary taco loving unicorn named Jeffery.

Make a Resume, and under work experience write" I have experience, but I'll never tell...".

Draw with your eyes closed and with the hand you don't usually write with... See what happens!

Write an essay on unicorns and rainbows.

Write the symbol pi and put it into the oven, asking people if they want any when it's ready.

Write "Will you go out with me?" on a banana and hand it to someone you like/.

Write on your forehead "dont look me in the a cannibal" then jiggle like jello.

Go to a restaurant, leave a tip, and write creepy messages on your dollar bills.

On a christmas card, write EVERY christmas song, BY HAND.

Write your name on a marshmallow!

Write little stupid random notes, and post them all over the city.

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