Chapter 40 (Last Chapter)

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We rush in the direction of the voice and find the north group standing in front of a house. The house we have spent all day looking for. I let out a breath of relief as well as anxiousness. It all feels real now. Before I was just walking in the woods, but now it all seems too real, as if this is only a nightmare that I will wake up from any second, covered in sweat and panting.

"Are you going to make the call?" Cole nudges my side.

I guess this isn't a dream after all. Deep breath and go.

"The south group is going to lead, Cole, myself, and the north group are going to follow. East and west groups fan yourselves out and surround the house. No one better be able to leave the premises. Now let's go!"

The south group breaks down the door and runs inside, guns raised. We follow them around as we go around the house. We check the bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, basement, attic but there is no one here. It's too quiet. Something's wrong.

"What's going on?" Cole whispers to me, reading my mind.

"I have no idea, keep a look out. Someone has to be here."

He nods his head and looks to the other side of himself.

The group looks back at me, waiting for further instructions.

"Cole and I are going into the basement. North group stay on this floor. If anyone shows up, don't hesitate to shoot, and south go to the attic same rule applies. Shoot anything that moves. But! Do not shoot Justina. She is most likely the only girl in the house. Shoot but be cautious for her."

They all nod their heads before splitting up. Cole and I walk down the stairs that leads to the basement once again. We look around, and feel the walls to see if there is any door we missed earlier. The only thing that is down here are two couches, a rug and a TV. I look back over to Cole to see if he has anything, but when he shakes his head side to side I know we have hit a dead end, but I can't help the feeling of us being in the right place.

As we start to head back out we hear a scream full of pain and desperation. Justina. Not a second later our bodies kick into action tearing the room further apart to find the source of the scream. We only stop when the door slams shut, locks and the TV turns on. What I saw makes me instantly sick to my stomach.

Justina is hanging by chains connected to her arms and ceiling. She is barely clothed, covered with blood, bruises and cuts, and she all of her bones are protruding out of her skin. She looks barely alive. I try to tear my eyes away from the screen but I can't. I physically can't turn my head. I'm paralyzed in shock and guilt.

"Liam. Liam," Cole says waving his hand in front of my face, "Snap out of it. We have to help her. Now."

That snaps me out of my trance and I shake my head to get rid of the image even though it is still displayed on the TV not even four feet in front of us.

We tear apart the room once again and we still find nothing. I sigh and go to a side wall before I hear Justina scream once again. Immediately my head whips up to see why. As I look confusion takes over. There is no one there with her. After another thirty seconds of me scrutinizing the screen to see if I missed something it statics then goes black. I don't know if I should feel concerned or relieved. Relieved that I don't have to see her like that anymore but concerned about what's going on behind that screen.

"What do we do?" Cole asks.

"Call the men to get us out of here."

When Cole presses his radio a scream cuts him off and the TV turns back on, but this time Justina has a fresh cut across her stomach and a note in her hand.

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