Chapter 18

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I walk out of Jasper's office and meet with Liam who is talking to the same man that greeted us at the door. Not only was he our age but now, getting a closer look, he is slightly shorter than Liam which must mean that he was maybe 6' or 5' 11" since Liam is 6' 1". He has dark hair like Liam and bright green eyes with gold flecks in them. He's good looking, but Liam is still better.

"Hey. How did it go?" Liam asks when he finally catches sight of me.

"It was good. I start next Monday," I say finally reaching him.

"What's your job?"

"Uh... I'm Justina," I say holding my hand out to the now confused boy in front of us.

"Blake. Nice to meet you," he replies sticking his hand out and when I take it he kissed my hand. What a gentleman. However Liam does not seem too fond of his gesture since he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer into his body.

"Ready to go, babe?" Liam asks already pulling me towards the door.

"Bye Blake!" I yell out and look back waving.

"Bye Justina!" he calls out, winking.

The car ride home is silent but it's still comfortable. Liam has my hand in his free one while the other one is gripping the steering wheel like his life depends on it.

"Hey, Liam?"

"Yes, Princess?"

"What did the steering wheel do?"

"Huh? Oh," Liam says loosening his grip, "it took your hand and kissed it like I wasn't even there and don't think I didn't see the way it winked as we were leaving."

"The steering wheel did all that? Wow it must be a very talented than," I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

"Not unless the steering wheel's name is Blake."

"Hey, calm down. I'm your girlfriend remember. I wasn't even looking at him, and you shouldn't worry about him looking at me. He was probably just trying to get under you skin."

"No. Nope. Definitely not under my skin."

"Well either way he is not a threat or anything in that matter. Anyways how was your job for today?"

"It was good. Monday I start training and if Jasper goes anywhere so do I."

"So you're like his bodyguard."

"His and his escorts. That was made very clear. I wonder who she is and why she's so important. She's probably just his play thing for that night or something what's the difference?"

"The difference is that I don't want to get kidnapped! And I'm sure as hell not his play toy for that night!" I shout angry not thinking about what I'm saying, but when it dawns on me I duck my head ready for a lecture and a half when we get home, but I'm wrong.

"What?!" Liam roars as he swerves the car on the side of the road, "You're his escort! Justina what is wrong with you? Why would you do that?!"

"Well it was either a maid with bad chores and a worse uniform, a spy, or his escort, which includes training with you guys. It was the best option for me."

"No. We are going back Monday and you can be either one of those two jobs, but definitely not his escort."

"No I'm sticking with his job and what's the big deal you will be there too as his and my bodyguard. I will be fine."

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