Chapter 19

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I wake up with my arm around someone's waist. I want to freak out considering that I know its not Liam's because I know what his waist feel like, and this is, most certainly, not it. I open my eyes and look down at a tiny girls body. Ava. When did she come in here? I don't remember falling asleep with her here. She obviously came in after you fell asleep. My mind, oh so generously, tells me.

She starts stirring in my arms then she peels her eyes open and looks at me with them.

"Morning Cutie," I whisper, kissing her tiny forehead.

"Morning bestie."

"Are you hungry?"


"Okay. Come on. We can go downstairs, but we have to be quiet," I say, now noticing a sleeping Liam on the other side of Ava.

We tip toe downstairs with me holding her in my arms. When we walk into the kitchen Cole is sitting down at the counter drinking coffee. Yuck. Coffee is so bitter.

"Morning J. Morning Av," Cole says sipping at his bitter drink.

"Morning C. Are you hungry?"

"No. I'm not really a morning person so coffee it is," he replies holding his mug up to emphasize his point.

"Okay. Ava what do you want to have for breakfast?" I ask, turning my attention back to the girl in my arms.

"Cereal!" she says excitedly.

As soon as I put her feet back on the ground she's sprinting towards a cabinet that I'm assuming has the cereal in.

I walk over to the drawers and get one spoon. Then I walk over to the other cabinet and grab a bowl. The spoon and bowl must be a set because they are decorated with Disney princesses. It's adorable. Ava puts the cereal on the table and I help her pour both items into her bowl. While she eats I sit there quietly staring into space.

"No food?" Cole asks.

"Not a morning person," I mumble out.

He laughs at me and takes another sip of his drink. We hear footsteps coming downstairs and at that moment wish I would've went to the bathroom and looked presentable incase it's his mother. Luckily for me it's only Liam with his bed hair and naked chest glory.

"Morning," he croaks out.

Another morning hater I see. Right now me and the twins are like zombies and Ava is our little sunshine.

"Morning," me and Cole say in unison while Ava jumps out of her seat and into his arms.

He carries her back to the table with two mugs in his hand. He puts one of the mugs in front of me and just as I'm about to tell him no thank you his smirk grows and he pointed to the inside of the cup. When I looked in, it's hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, just how I like it. I smile at him and take a sip. We all sit in silence, except for Ava who's telling us what she's going to do at school today and about her new friend Caleb. When she mentions the kid's name both of the twins tense and have a murderous look in their eyes. Her future boyfriend is totally screwed. I actually feel bad for him.

After ten minutes we all get up to get ready for the day. Since I packed a bag the day I went home I had my own clothes to wear, thankfully. Liam and I both share the bathroom. While one is brushing their teeth the other would do their hair, and put on mascara and lipstick in my case. We also take turns changing into our clothes while the other one finishes up in the bathroom. Let's just say that the arrangement works pretty well and we are both ready in fifteen minutes and out in twenty. Pulling into the parking lot of Ava's school Liam unbuckles her seat and she runs right into school dragging Liam behind this time while me and Cole sit in the car in a comfortable silence.

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