Chapter 24

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It's Monday again and I'm currently on my way to Jasper's. Today will be my first day of training since my leg is now healed and Cole won't be here to babysit and tell me to rest. I know he's just being nice and looking out for me but he's so overprotective and worrisome. I mean, yes I had to get stitches but I can't just stay injured forever. I figure today will be a good day to start getting back into a routine. Liam is with me but it's dead silent in the car. The radio is on but the volume is so low I bet the radio itself could barely hear it never mind me.

"I'm going to train with all of you today," I say tired of the silence.

"That's good. Who's your partner?"


"Yes. Each of us has a partner that we get the first day of training, but I guess Jasper never told you since today will be your first day."

"I guess so. Who is your partner?" I ask.

"John. He's around our age maybe one or two years older."

"That's good. Is it fair?"

"It is and the best part about it is that he has a little more experience so he teaches me as we go along but strength and speed wise we are the same."

After Liam stops talking we sit the rest of the way to Jasper's in silence. When we pull into the driveway I let out a breath of relief. Usually I don't mind silence but it was just weird. We are always talking and now it feels like we have nothing to say. When we walk up to the front door we are immediately let inside since the guards, whose names are Jerry, and Joe, now recognize us. Jerry had all of the tattoos and Joe had all of the piercings so it was easy to tell them apart.

Once inside we are greeted by Blake and all three of us then head into the training room. The boys go to the locker room on the right of the room while I go left. Jasper told me this is where I would change the last time we met. I quickly chang into a white sports bra with a white wife beater and black training shorts and walk back out. The boys are already there waiting. When Liam sees me come out he introduced me to his partner John since it will only be five of us in this room. So far there was only me, Liam, John and Blake but no sign of my partner.

"Supergirl you ready to go?" I turn around at the voice and see that Blake had a smirk on.

"Ready for what Superman? My partner isn't here," I say emphasizing Superman and smirk back.

"Ouch. You wound me. Did you even consider that maybe I'm your partner?" Blake asks, holding his chest in mock hurt.

"Nope," I say popping the p.

"Well you are so get your skinny butt over here so I can take you down," he says rubbing his hands together like he was coming up with an evil plan.

"We'll see about that," I say walking onto the mat towards Blake.

"Ugh!" I yell as Justina flips me onto my back against the mat. We have been training for the last two hours and to say that I underestimated her is an understatement. She is a lot better than I thought. At first I was roughhousing her and she was allowing me to. I was purposely not going easy on her because I knew other people wouldn't, but after I beat her for the third time it was as if something snapped and now she is actually fighting me and she's good.

"Want help up?" Justina asks with an innocent face but I see the small smirk tug on the corners of her lips and I know that I was not going to live her beating me down.


When she places her hand in mine I pulle her down so she lands on top of me and then I flip us over so she is pinned under me with me straddling her waist, "tap out."

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