Chapter 10

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   "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask before I practically run out the door not hearing what her response is.

"Liam! Liam!" I call frantically searching for him, hoping that he didn't go to his class just yet since he usually wanders for a little longer.

"Looking for somebody, Sweetheart?" Ryan asks from behind me.

   "No one that's of your concern," I sneer.

   "Well I believe it is if my girl is looking for some other guy."

   "I'm not your girl."

   "Yes you are. The tattoos match. Its your destiny to be with me now."

   "Ryan, stay away from me," I said as he inches closer to me, "I'm not kidding,"

   "You heard her. Back away Ryan," Liam says from in front of me.

   "You can't tell me what to do with my girl."

Liam's face flashes with disgust and anger. I know at that moment that the next time Liam opens his mouth he's going tell Ryan about our agreement.

   "I'm not your girl nor will I ever be. You see I'm taken. Not taken but engaged by a good family friend that I have known for my whole life. He is now my fiancée and I happily agreed to marry him when he asked in such a cute and sweet way. I wouldn't of changed it for the world. I also know that he would not be happy with you calling me your girl when I'm his. So if you would stop calling me your girl and realize that I'm out of your reach that would be great. Thanks Champ. Have a good day." I say and walk away not looking back.

   Of course I'm scared of how Ryan would react to this but at the same time he needs to realize that we would never happen. I also know that Liam will protect me and a repeat of what happened earlier this week will not happen again.

When I get back to my class I have to quickly get to my seat since the class already started. Ryan walks in five minutes later with a cut lip and the beginning of a black eye. I look at him and smirk. He glares at me with anger burning in his eyes.

ME: So I assume your talk with Ryan went well considering his lip is cut and his eye looks like it has seen better days.

LIAM: Well I always did communicate better through my actions.

ME: Haha. Okay. Whatever floats your boat and thanks for doing it. I wish I was there to see it.

LIAM: I'll let you know next time I pick a fight with him. By the way why didn't you say that I was you're fiancée?

ME: I didn't feel like it was any of his business that's all.

LIAM: If you want to back out of  the deal you can.

ME: NO. I'm not backing out. I had no intention to. Do you want to back out?

LIAM: I don't want to either.

ME: Then it's settled. Neither of us are breaking our deal.

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