Chapter 16

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It's now Friday night. Throughout the week Cole went to every training session with me. He had saved me more than once, unfortunately. I felt like Ryan had more anger than usual so using Cole as my 'bodyguard' helped and saved me a great deal of pain.

I'm on my way to the twins' house currently with my dress in the back seat along with a straightener and light makeup which entails my usual mascara and red lipstick with my peppermint and mocha chap stick. When I pull into the driveway I see Liam's Harley Davidson motorcycle in all of it's red and black glory. I smile slightly at the sight of it and can just imagine the wind whipping through my hair while we speed down the roads without a care in the world, finally feeling free.

"Hello, Love," Liam said pulling me out of my trance, "want to go for a ride?"

"Really?!" I squeal jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas.

"Yes of course. Hop on," he says handing me a helmet.

Without a second of hesitation I jump on the back of this bike after him and wrap my arms around his waist as he starts the bike up. He pulls out of the drive way hesitant before I tapped his arm making him slow down even more.

"I trust you," I say hugging him a little tighter before loosening my grip slightly.

That's all he needed to hear because after that he speeds down the road and it's better than I imagined. The wind blowing easily through my hair, and everything else fading out only leaving us on the blurry road. I truly felt free and happy at that moment it was like nothing could ruin the ride. I looked all around us as he keeps going. Five minutes pass, then ten and I can't wait to continue. I never want to stop. I breath in deeply smelling the sweet crisp air and sigh in content.

"Are you okay back there, Princess?" Liam asks still focused on the road.

"I'm more than okay. I'm perfect. Wooo!" I scream in delight.

Liam chuckles and keeps going.

After about an hour later we arrive back at his house and we both climb off of his bike. Although I refuse to get off of it at first. So he tells me that we would go another time so I reluctantly agree getting off the bike, and follow him into his house.

When I walk into the door forgetting my things in my car I run back. When I reenter the house Ava runs up to me and jump and I catch her just in time.

"Hi bestie," she says giggling.

"Hi cutie," I say which she smiles to and starts laughing as I tickled her stomach.

"Hey J," Cole says kissing my forehead.

"Hey C."

"C huh?"

"Yep!" I reply popping the p.

"Okay... as you wish."

"Hello Justina," a beautiful middle aged woman who I'm assuming is their mother greets.

"Hello. Nice to meet you, Mrs..." I say hesitant since I did not know what to call her.

"Just call me Sarah, dear."

"Okay then. Nice to meet you, Sarah."

"Nice to meet you too. So I heard that you are attending a party tonight with my two sons. Would you like help getting ready?"

"Oh no that's okay. I wouldn't want to waste your time," I decline shyly not used to the attention.

"Nonsense! Come on. We will do your hair first," she says taking my hand in hers and pulling me upstairs.

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