Chapter 2

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I met Cole 8 days ago. I went on my vacation and now it was the first day of school. I see all of the kids hugging, saying how they all missed each other, asking what they did over the summer and what classes each of them had to see if they had any together. I, on the other hand, go to show my sister where her home room is then walk right to my home room. I'm the first one there for two reasons :
1) I don't have anyone to talk to since I can't seem to keep one friend ship for more than a year.
2) I already had this teacher the previous year so I know where her classroom is.

I sit there with a notebook and a pencil on my desk and my now empty bag on the floor. Then I take out my phone and begin reading, desperately trying to finish the chapter before the herd of students come in wrecking the peace and quiet. Every now and then I look around the room and out the door. I'm not sure why, but I do. Then I focus back to my phone. The bell rang its shrill making me groan. The bells marked that it is the beginning of 180 days of torture. It mocks me as it rang saying how it only rang for seconds and was done but all the rest of us had to suffer for 6-8 hours (depending if you had sports) for 180 long days. I look around the room and out the door one more time. I see Cole. He looks confused. I raise my hand to ask if I could help him since I was his tour guide a week before. After being excused I walk to him. "Hi, its Just-"

"J!" He says my name is a silent yell. "Finally a familiar face."

I chuckle at his reaction. "Let me see your schedule and I can show you where your class is."
I look at his schedule then back at mine then his and then back at mine again. We have almost identical schedules except for last period. "Looks like your stuck with me." I say jokingly. He doesn't say anything so I sign out a small "follow me." I lead him back to my- well our homeroom that was now packed with kids and every seat was taken except for the front ones and one in the back. I sit back in my seat which was in the middle front and he sits in the back to my left which was the row that was closest to the door.
The next bell rings signaling that our first class of the day is done. I'm the first one to leave the classroom since I packed up early. I walk to my next class since I also know where that one is because it is right under the class that I just got out o- I forgot Cole. I left him in class. I rush back up the staircase to see Cole standing there looking at his schedule walking around aimlessly.

"Cole!" I call out.

He looks up and smiles. Then the both of us walk to our next class.

The bell rings again showing another class down and now we are half way through our day. This time I wait for Cole since I am, again, the first one out of my class. Surprise. Surprise. We stroll to our next class together which is back upstairs. Again I do the same routine. I take out my notebook and pencil but I don't take out my phone. This teacher I had met outside of school from another "school" friend. We went to the mall together once and she helped me in 7th grade math since I skipped a year going from non-advanced to advanced. I don't talk to this girl anymore, but I still have to be on my best behavior. This class was the shortest out of the three because I kept focusing on how I acted and made sure I had my undivided attention on her at all times. I think Cole noticed this as well because at the end of the period he gave me a confused, almost worried look. "Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yea I'm fine just a sch- uh, friends mom," I reply back.

"Ok," he said.

One good thing about Cole is that he doesn't seem to totally listen to what I say so he didn't catch that or press on with the topic. We finally reach his fourth class. It is close to mine so I still made it in my next class early. Of course, I know this teacher too from a club I joined last year for my academy.

The last bell rings, but before I can walk out I was stopped by the teacher's voice to hold back for a second- ok maybe it wasn't those words exactly but they are close enough.

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