Chapter 23

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Today is Halloween. To say that I'm excited is a big understatement. I'm practically bouncing in my seat full of thrill and energy. I choose the twins' and my costumes a few days ago. The boys still don't know what the theme is, so I'm also anxious about their reactions. I decided to do a superhero theme. I'm superwoman, and Liam was Deadpool while Cole was Spiderman. I decided to make us the villains next year- if I'm still talking to them that is.

I'm currently still stuck in school and to make it worse it's only third period. I was planning on ditching the rest of the day but the boys wouldn't let me and now they are watching me like a hawk. Just as I'm about to burst from my seat from all the energy running in my veins the bell for fourth period rings.

I run down the stairs and to my fourth period class in hopes that the faster I get there the faster the day will end. The only good thing about this period is that I'm able to skip it like every other day and I didn't have cross country since they gave us the day off. So as soon as this class is over I'm a free woman for the rest of the day.

When I reach the class I'm the first one there and my teacher takes one look at me and told me there is no do now today. I took that as my queue and I leave without looking back. I run out of the classroom and into a wall.

"Ow! Stupid wall," I say rubbing my nose. I go to walk around but when I open my eyes I see the wall had shoes. I hesitantly look up to find Blake standing there looking at me with a smirk and concern on his face.

"Hey. You okay Justina?" Blake asks me.

"I'm fine."

"Good. Now care to explain to me why there would be a wall in the middle of the hallway?" Blake asks and by the smirk on his face I know his next comment is only going to boost his ego, "But thanks for the compliment."

"I said a stupid wall. Sorry to burst your ego bubble but you just admitted that you were stupid," I retort with a smirk now on my face.

"But you still thought my chest was a wall. So I'll ignore the stupid part. Anyways what are you doing running out of your class. Are you ok?"

"Wanna ditch last period with me?" I ask pouting out my bottom lip.

"The twins would get so annoyed."

"They don't have to know. Come on it's Halloween! I'm dying being cooped up in here."

"Fine, but if they find out I will not hesitate to tell them that you dragged me out of here against my will."

"Deal!" I yell, jumping up and down, "Let's go!"

I drag Blake out the side doors by the gym and when we pass the boys classes we duck down. I also text Cole saying that I had a test today so I can't skip to meet him and that I will see him when they come by later since I'm taking the bus to go to my house to get ready. I'm shocked that he didn't question it but I, most certainly, am not complaining. We walk outside and Blake takes the lead and leads me to his motorcycle since I drove here with the boys.

We are almost at his bike when he suddenly stops, "we can wait until school ends and the boys can drive you if you don't want to ride."

"Don't want to ride?! Are you joking? Let's go! You are officially my ditch buddy!" I say and drag him the rest of the way.

We both get onto his bike and we speed out of the parking lot. I love the feeling of the crisp fall breeze against my skin as we ride down the streets. I watch the trees turn into a blur as we pass them. After another fifteen minutes we pull up into the middle of the woods. Blake grabs my hand and I'm hesitant but then curiosity wins and I follow him.

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